Chapter 11

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I groaned, resting my forehead on the cold fridge. "I need a job."

Dad gently pushed me to the side and opened the fridge. "Have you perhaps tried looking?"

I nodded

"Hm. I'll see what I can do." He pursed his lips as he looked at me. "Put your resumé on the desk in my office."

I shook my head and walked up the stairs after grabbing a soda out of the fridge. Callie opened her door just as I was about to bust up into her room, gasping. "Camilla! Damnit! You just took the last can of pop. I was about to go get that."

"Can of pop?"

She rolled her eyes. "You damn Californian. The last soda."

"Oh. Ha-ha."

"You're such a bitch. Help me out real quick." She walked into her room and I followed her.

"Now, don't lie to me. Does this outfit look okay?"

I looked down at her outfit. She was wearing a black long-sleeved shirt over a white button-up tucked into her black skinny jeans with a single chain hanging down from them.

"I look dumb. I knew it. I'm changing."

She dressed so gay sometimes. It was hilarious. "No, it looks good. Come here though." I grabbed the collar of her shirt and straightened it out. "Yeah. There you go. Where are you going?"

"The movie theatre."

"With who?"

A light pink dusted her cheeks as she smiled. "Tori."

"Ooh. A date?"

"No," she replied defensively and then looked down, biting her lip as she kicked her foot. "Yes."


"Stop!" She grabbed a hoodie. "Hug me and tell me if I smell good."


"Just do it."

I hugged her and she did . She smelled like perfume but I couldn't possibly place the scent. "Yeah."

"Okay. Bye."

"Bye. Be careful. Don't get got."


I stared out of the window as I waited to see Callie. I was hella bored and she was past curfew. What if she got got? I would sure hate to have to embarrass in front of Tori but I was not afraid to march up to that damn movie theatre and snatch her little ass up for making me worry.

I leaned closer to the window as I watched her climb up the tree and into her window. Did I just see that right? I stood up and walked into her room. "Cal?"

She jumped, gasping as she held her hand over her chest. "Shit. You scared me."

"You scared me," I whisper yelled. "What took so long? You said you were just going to the movie theatre."

She scoffed. "I went alright." She plopped down on her bed.

"What's wrong?"

She looked off to the side and shook her head. "She couldn't make it. Family problems."

"Oh. Okay."

She didn't say anything. She must've been bummed out, I decided. She was really excited about it. I was sure they could reschedule though. It would be fine.


She fell backwards, laying down. "Goodnight."

I went back into my room and laid in my bed. A few minutes later, I heard a loud "fuck" and shook my head. Those walls were far too thin for emotional outbursts at ten p.m. The only reasonable explanation was that she stubbed her toe because that shit hurts, so I assumed that's what it was.

I sat there quietly for a little while longer until I heard a loud thud and a quiet gasp. What the hell was she doing? I silently opened her door to see her sitting with her head back against the wall and her knees pulled up to her chest, her eyes squeezed shut and her hand over her mouth as sobs racked her body.

"Callie?" My chest tightened as I watched her fall completely still.

"Yes," she asked in a voice that was a little too enthusiastic.

"Stop. I saw and I heard. What's wrong?" I sat down on the bed beside her.

"Tori wasn't having family issues. She ghosted me."

I pulled her into a side hug and she laid her head on my shoulder, sniffing.

"That's all?"

She shook her head and handed me her phone. It was pulled up to her messages. "Just read."

Callie: where are you
Callie: the movies already started
Callie: where are you

Tori: lmaoo
Tori: Tommy was right
Tori: you did actually like me
Tori: ew

Callie: oh

Tori: i'm straight and even if i wasn't, i wouldn't date you
Tori: look at you
Tori: a whole damn troll
Tori: lmaoo not gonna answer anymore??

Callie: what am I supposed to say to that?

Tori: idk
Tori: check my Insta ;)

The messages ended there. I handed her phone back. "What was on her Instagram?"

She clicked on Tori's Instagram and handed the phone back. The most recent picture was a picture of Callie sitting on the ground in front of the movie theatre, holding a single flower in between her pointer and middle finger. The caption was "lmaooo look at her gay ass clowning... #ghosted" with Callie tagged.

"I'll drag a bitch. I swear to God I will. Where can I find her?"

"Please stop. You'll make things worse."

"This isn't okay. 'Look at her gay ass clowning?'"

She shook her head. "I just don't understand why she felt the need to do that? Like—what did I do to deserve that? I was never anything but nice to her."

"Some people are just genuinely terrible people, Cal."

"I know. It just sucks." She sighed and I wrapped my arms around her.

Tear Myself Apart // Billie Eilish Where stories live. Discover now