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"Give me the Moreau until I sleep.
Baby, you haven't been here in a long time.
Only feeling what drugs simulate.
Light it up and it smells like you, okay.
Already discoloring the white on my wall."

Things often don't go as envisioned in life.
Life is unpredictable and that's a thing that everybody has to deal with on their own.

That's what went through Lucas' head when he woke up alone.
The curtains were open and the Saturday sunlight was shining right into his face.
He squinted his eyes while sitting up, looking around the room.

After checking his phone for new messages he got up, maybe Eliott was in the kitchen, attempting to prepare breakfast or something.
But Eliott wasn't behind the stove, flipping a pan and making pancakes.
There was a note on the dinner table, though.

"Salut, mon amour.
You look beautiful when you sleep, have I ever told you that?
But to get right to the gusto, you were right.
Listening to me ramble can get quite annoying.
That's why I decided to go where the people have the pyramids right in front of their noses, to Egypt.
Don't worry, I haven't taken any of your money or things or whatever.
When I'm in Egypt, I'll see what the people think about my theories.
Je t'aime! A toute!"

Lucas pulled on his hair in frustration. This couldn't be true!
Eliott couldn't possibly be taking his medication anymore, this was the most spur-of-the-moment-thing he'd done in quite a while!
He'd booked a flight to Japan before, a two week trip on a cruise to Norway, and even paid a lot of money to go swimming with dolphins, which they'd been lucky enough to cancel before anything even happened.
Lucas' mind clouded up with a dozen of worst-case scenarios.
He needed to do something, instantly.

"Allô?", a tired voice spoke.
"Emma? Emma, oh my god! Do you know where Manon is? I've tried calling her but she doesn't pick up and I'm in an emergency", Lucas spoke hastily, pressing the phone to his left ear with his shoulder while putting on a pair of shoes.
"She's here at my place now, remember? She moved in and you were there, helping us. But she's asleep, it's literally 9 in the morning, Lucas", Emma said, yawning at the end.
Lucas groaned.

"Okay Emma, can you come and pick me up then? I need to go get Eliott from god knows where, he left a note saying that he was off to Egypt now. To Egypt, Emma! God knows if he didn't end up elsewhere before even making it to the airport!", Lucas rambled while locking the front door and running down the stairs.
Emma yawned again. "Okay, give me ten minutes and I'll be there, I'll try to hurry, maybe I'll make it in six then", she let out and Lucas could hear her get out of bed.
"Excellent. Later", he said before hanging up.
All he could do now was trying to get through to Eliott again.

Emma got ready at breakneck speed.
"Baby, is it okay if I use your car for a second? Lucas needs my help", Emma explained to Manon, who was sitting in bed and watching her get ready.
"Wait, let me come with you, I'll put over a hoodie and then I'll be good to go", Manon said as she went to their shared closet to get out one of her, or Emma's, hoodies.
They sat down in Manon's car and drove to Lucas.

"I'll be there in a second! I'll be there as soon as possible, don't worry. Merci beaucoup", Lucas said before hanging up.
Manon's red car pulled up on the sidewalk.
"Get in, Lucas!", Emma shouted and Lucas didn't hesitate.
He opened the door, flopped down on the backseat, and slammed the door shut.
"Salut, what's the situation?", Emma asked, keeping her eyes on the road.
"The police picked him up before he could go to the airport. I believe they picked him up from a little shop near the airport, where you can buy snacks and anti-sickness-pills before flights", Lucas told her while he peered anxiously out the car window.

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