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"The paths were all full of mountains
The only light was a candle
Climbed up, arrived at Olympus
Leave a golden trail
Your daddy was a rock star, daddy was a rock star
His art precious
Even when I'm gone
The music says there, my child."

Tuesday started as usual for Eliott and Lucas.
Getting up, taking a shower, and getting ready for the day.
Lucas had put the yoga mats in their living room so that they could start with yoga as soon as possible after returning home.

During his ride to school, Lucas thought about his life and the progress he'd made.
Yoga - something he'd never expected himself actually trying, yet here he was.
Before he came out, he used to avoid all things that seemed 'too feminine' or 'too girly' at all costs, but now he didn't let that old way of thinking stop him from trying out new things and living his life to the fullest.
He also wouldn't have thought that he'd ever have a boyfriend, let alone a boyfriend that was willing to try out new things with him and support him.
But Eliott was all those things - supportive, loving, and considerate.
And now they were about to try out yoga together.
That thought set off a warm feeling in Lucas' heart and with that, he started pedaling harder.

At school, nothing eventful happened.
Lucas went about his day while evenly balancing his friendships and school work.
During the lunch break, he got to unwind for a short while and connect with his friends.

"Emma told me that you and Eliott are doing yoga now. Is that correct?", Yann asked as he was mixing a bit of olive oil into his salad.
"Ouais, that's correct", Lucas confirmed, arms crossed in front of his chest. "But we haven't started yet. We'll try it out today."
Basile took a sip of his water. "And what kind of positions are you going to try out? I'm sure you won't be able to do everything yet."
Lucas scoffed. "Duh", he let out, "Of course not. We're going to take it slow and see what we can do. The downward dog for starters, where you go on all fours and lift your butt in the air, legs stretched out, heels of the feet and the palms of the hands flat on the floor, head hanging down."

"Look at that, Monsieur Lallemant knows quite something about that territory", Arthur remarked and the rest of the boys started laughing.
"What's so funny?", Lucas growled, "At least Eliott and I are actually trying to do something about the stress. And if yoga helps, so what? The point is that we're combating the stress instead of steering ourselves into an early grave because of it."
The group fell silent.
"Lu Lu's right", Basile muttered, "Sometimes it scares me how mature you've gotten."
Arthur shook his head. "I'm proud of you, Lu Lu. Do your thing and rock those yoga pants."
"Oh boy", Lucas sighed, "I should get paid for putting up with you guys."
"We love you, too", Yann said, playfully hitting Lucas' shoulder. "We love you, too."

Back at home, Lucas took his bike down to the basement of the apartment building before walking up the stairs to the apartment.
Eliott had already gone to work, therefore it was time to get dinner ready. Luckily Eliott's shift wasn't as long as the others today, so Lucas wouldn't have to wait too long. He wasn't hungry anyway.
The spaghetti wouldn't get too cold in the pot and with that, Lucas went to the bedroom to take off his jeans and put something more comfortable on. After that, he was ready to try out some yoga poses before Eliott would come home.

In the living room, he started stretching his legs.
The yoga mats Manon had given him were beautiful.
Eliott's mat was blue underneath and light blue on top, a beautiful pink and yellow flower pattern graced the top.
Lucas' mat was orange with the same pink and yellow flower pattern on top, a few lines of gold ran through the flowers.
While trying not to pull a muscle, Lucas grabbed his left ankle with his right hand, pulling it towards his butt.
He then did the same with the right ankle, stretching his upper thigh muscles.
"Well, this is getting boring", he mumbled as he got up.

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