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"She was always dealing with the devil
She was always into taking those chances
Said she met a couple other women
Who were into going late-night dancing

Then she fell in love with a pill
That could take away all her pain, yeah
Then she fell in love with a whole new drug
That could fill her veins
And then

She's high
She lives in the sky
Tonight she's satisfied
Rolling back her eyes
But then she starts to cry
Everything is turning to black
All in one night
She just went to heaven and back

She just went to heaven and back."

Despite having to get up early for school, Lucas enjoyed the morning.
It was a random Monday morning, and Lucas hated Mondays, but today felt special.
Next to him was Eliott, gently snoring.

Lucas couldn't help but smile at the way his boyfriend's lips moved in his sleep, his eyelids flinching and his chest rising up and down.
The sun peeked through the thick curtains, tickling their skin and drowning their chests in deep, rich golden tones.
He also couldn't help peppering his lover's chest with kisses, trying to wake him up.

"Mmh", Eliott growled, "I'm up, I'm up."
He rubbed the sleep from his eyes as he sat up, blinking against the bright sunlight. "Bonjour, baby", Lucas said, pressing a kiss to Eliott's forehead.
The other dipped his head, hiding his blushing cheeks.
"Bonjour", he mumbled, grinning softly. Lucas put his index finger under Eliott's chin, forcing him to make eye contact.
"You don't have to hide, you're adorable when you blush", he said, smiling softly at Eliott's sparkling eyes.
"Aww", the other said quietly, looking into Lucas' eyes, "You're too adorable, mon bébé."

They took a quick shower together, getting dressed afterward.
Eliott decided to wear a black hoodie with a pair of washed-out jeans and Lucas chose a navy blue long sleeve shirt and a pair of Levi's jeans.
While making two avocado toast for them to eat as a quick breakfast, Eliott told Lucas about his schedule for today.
"I'll probably get back home earlier today but that'll give me time to clean up the apartment", he said while handing Lucas his avocado toast.
"Alright. I'll head right over to Manon's place once school is over and then we can finally get started on yoga", Lucas announced and Eliott grinned.

"Can't wait 'til you put on a pair of yoga pants and I'll get to see you do the downward dog in them", Eliott teased and Lucas gasped in faux shock.
"Eliott!", he exclaimed, "I can't believe you just said that!"
The other took a bite of his toast, smirking at his lover.
"I just did as you can see. And I bet your butt is going to look absolutely delectable in a pair of criminally tight yoga pants", Eliott continued and now it was Lucas' turn to blush.
"I can't believe that I love you", he said quietly and Eliott laughed his adorable laugh that Lucas loved more than anything else in the world.
He felt like he was melting away a bit more whenever he heard and saw Eliott laugh, it was a pretty sight. Pretty rare at times, too.
Therefore it was even more breathtaking when he got to see it.

During all the talking, Lucas had completely ignored his toast, leaving it on the counter as he made his way to the front door to put his blue Vans and his navy blue jacket on.
He didn't even feel his stomach growl as he rode his bike to school.
At school, he met Emma and Manon and talked to them about their mornings as they walked towards the school building.
Luca's first class of the day was history, which wasn't too bad.

The day went by relatively quickly and before Lucas knew it, he was already sitting in the school's cafeteria, chatting with his friends.
"How are things going with you and Chloé? Planning on moving in together yet?", Lucas asked casually while picking at his food.
"Bah ouais, I'm moving in with her soon, maybe next month if everything works out with exams and so on", Yann answered as he took a bite of his sandwich.
Basile and Arthur hadn't shown up yet, therefore the conversation didn't flow as evenly as it usually did.
Then, a few minutes later, the two came running from their French class, almost knocking down a group of students who were standing in line to pick up their lunch trays.

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