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"Y'a du monde, j'ai fais ma vie, du mal à baisser la vitre
C'est vrai que des fois j'm'évite
Une note de piano et t'as fini peiné
J'me vois au singulier, tu nous vois au pluriel
Y'a plein de choses à dire
J'ai retenu qu'la haine consume comme la maladie
Moi j'suis pas mieux qu'un autre
Pour l'instant j'ai l'regard d'ceux qui ont mal à vie
Marqué par les souvenirs, faut pas qu'j'me confie
Et avant j'avais du coeur, mais c'était avant, maintenant tant pis
Ainsi va la vie, j'suis pas pire qu'un autre
Tu m'parleras d'amour, j'te parlerai de l'autre
Parle-moi d'autre chose, à part le hood.

J'rêvais d'la belle vie, moi aussi, tu l'sais, maintenant
Dehors, mes sentiments, j'ai dominé, ça date pas d'maintenant
Ne nous imagine pas au bord de l'eau car tu seras vite au bord des larmes
Et ici j'me permets pas des mots, autre chose à faire pour ça j'verrai dans les limbes."

The next morning didn't start good at all.
Instead, Lucas almost overslept, he had to hurry up to get a quick shower in before putting his clothes on and sprinting out the door.
He barely got to say Eliott goodbye, a quick peck on the lips had to do the job for now.

At school, Lucas refrained from telling anyone about what had happened yesterday.
He simply tried to get the day over with, longing to be back home in Eliott's arms.
Unfortunately, that'd take a few more hours until he could crawl back under the duvet of his bed with Eliott.

During the break, Lucas couldn't hide from his friends anymore.
"Since exam season is coming up soon, I think we should all go out and get drunk before the only thing we'll be focusing on are our textbooks", Basile suggested after they'd found an empty bench to sit on.
Yann nodded. "Let's head to our favorite club on Friday, getting loose wouldn't hurt us", he said and the rest of the boys hummed in approval.
"And you're going to join us, Lu Lu. No excuses this time", Arthur said with finality and Lucas knew that he wouldn't be able to ditch a night out with his friends this time around.
"Ouiap", he said and Arthur smiled, at least he was satisfied. "Dope", he said, "I really missed seeing your dance moves, man. They're really something else."

After the school day was over, Lucas made his way back home.
He remembered that he had to go grocery shopping today since Eliott hadn't been able to last week.
"Hey baby", Lucas said as he entered the apartment, kissing Eliott on the cheek.
"Salut, mon hérisson, I have to leave for my next set of lectures now, but could you get me two of the Spécial K Copeaux De Chocolat Noir, please? We've run out of the best cereal two weeks ago", Eliott asked, his bag already over his shoulder.
Lucas nodded. "Bien sur, I'll get you some. Is there anything else we need?"
Eliott scratched the back of his head. "Laundry detergent, toothpaste, and some carrots", he then said.
"Good", Lucas said, noting the items down on a list in the notes app of his phone, "See you after Uni then."
Eliott hugged Lucas. "Don't miss me too much, baby", he said with a smile and Lucas scoffed as he rolled his eyes.
"I'm definitely going to miss you too much, my love", he said, stretching his neck to give Eliott a deep kiss, trying to make him stay longer.

"As much as I'd love to stand here forever, I have to go now", Eliott said, looking at the watch on his phone.
He pressed one last kiss to Lucas' forehead before heading out the door.
Lucas watched him leave, his heart aching for Eliott to come back immediately.

A few minutes of relaxing on the couch turned into an hour before Lucas finally got up to get the grocery shopping over with.
At the supermarket, he checked the list on his phone.

"Alright", he thought, "I have to go get these specific items, go to the checkout and leave as quickly as possible. I can't stay here for too long. And I mustn't get distracted by the music or the other things that are in here. Oh, and the more expensive things are higher up on the shelves than the cheaper things, which are way down on the shelves."
With that in mind, Lucas walked straight to the dairy products on the other side of the supermarket.
He picked up two cartons of milk before heading over to the cereal aisle, picking up two boxes of Eliott's favorite cereal.
Since he didn't have a shopping cart to put all the things in, because he'd read on the internet that a shopping cart tempts customers to fill it up with things they don't actually need, he had to carry everything himself.

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