Want to

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"This some shit that I usually don't do (yeah)
But for you, I kinda, I kinda want to
'Cause you're down for me and I'm down too (and I'm down too)
Yeah, I'm down too, switching the positions for you."

Eliott knew that he'd be getting home a bit later today, but he hadn't expected this huge flood of essays he had to get done within the day.
One Biology essay and one essay about zoology.
He also knew that he'd get both done within a few hours if he hurried up since the tasks he had to do were considered 'simple and easy to handle', but he wanted to get it done as quickly as possible nonetheless.

Meanwhile, Lucas was at home, cooking up a light dinner.
His raton laveur had texted him that he'd be running late today, so Lucas didn't want to prepare something that wasn't that tasty anymore when it went cold.
He had put his Skullcandy headphones on as he finished the homes for his history class on his laptop.

"Switching the positions for yoouu", Lucas sang as he swayed his hips to the rhythm of the song, tapping his feet and nodding along to the music.
After the cheese sandwiches were done, Lucas prepared two sunny-side-up eggs as a garnish.
As he was setting the table, Eliott got home.
He'd decided to finish the rest of his Biology essay at home, he didn't want to miss out on dinner with Lucas after all and he was already quite late.

Eliott took off his shoes and his jacket, swinging his jet black bag over his shoulder as he walked out of the guest bathroom into the kitchen. "Salut, mon amour."
Lucas whipped his head up, flashing Eliott a toothy smile. "Salut, mon chéri", he chirped, cupping Eliott's face as he went up on his toes to give him a deep kiss.
"How was your day, love?", Eliott asked as he pulled Lucas closer by his waist, their bodies pressed up against each other.
"It was alright", Lucas replied, "Had a lot of work to do, but I'm done now. Kinda half-assed this, uhh, the short text about Otto von Bismarck, though, which sucks, that's why I gave it another attempt earlier. We were supposed to hand in a short text as an opportunity to raise our grade, even though we already had that topic last year, and I couldn't let that opportunity slide. And how was your day?"

Eliott nodded. "Hmm", he hummed, "My day was alright, too. I have to finish some stuff but that won't take long since I got most of it done at the Uni's library."
Lucas let go of Eliott's back, gesturing to the table that was already set.
"Something simple, cheese sandwiches with sunny-side-up eggs as a garnish", he explained as they sat down.

They both ate in silence for a while before Lucas could think of something to talk about.
"Did you check the group chat already? Monsieur Savary wants to go out for drinks on his birthday in February. That's such a Basile thing to do, I just love how he's making plans already, his birthday is over four months away", Lucas said, holding up his phone so that Eliott could see the text.
"Better now than never, right?", Eliott said with a grin and Lucas chuckled.

After they were done with eating, Eliott took care of the dishes as Lucas scrolled through the group chat again.

Yannou: 'Sup, who's down for a party at my place on Friday night?
Baz: Me, me, me! I am more than ready to get laid!
Tuturo: Baz, mec, that was too much :/ :/
Baz: Tais-toi, shut up, I know you love me <3 <3
Tuturo: In your dreams, Savary :/ :/
Baz: Geez, what's all that salt for, Broussard?
Yannou: Guys, calm down. Arthur, are you down for Friday?
Tuturo: Ouais, bien sur! Let's get fucked up, boys!
Baz: Go bitch, go bitch, go bestie! That's the spirit ;) ;) ;) ;)

Lucas decided to join in.

Lucas: Did you guys drink already or what's the weird texting all about?
Yannou: There he is! Mr. Professor himself
Lucas: Pourquoi?
Yannou: It's a joke, Lallemant, it's not that deep you know. ._.
Lucas: You're not funny Cazas, you know ._.
Baz: Anyway, I'll bring some liquor
Yannou: Excellent, jtm Baz <3 <3
Baz: You're too sweet, jtm <3 <3 <3 <3
Arthur: Honestly, get a room you two
Lucas: Yeah, stop being gross on main
Baz: You're now blocked AND reported, Lu Lu
Lucas: Why only me and not Arthur as well? He started it >:-( >:-(
Yannou: And that's on being toxic on main, Lu Lu ;) ;)
Lucas: Putain, I hate you guys, you both suck >:-( >:-(
Yannou: C'mon, you know you love us
Baz: Ouais Lucas, you love us way too much, it's impossible for you to hate us
Lucas: Hmm, maybe I do and maybe that's true
Yannou: Perfect, we love you too, Lucas
Arthur: Alright, that's it, I've seen enough and I want to vomit, I'm logging off

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