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"Where do you think
Where do you think you're goin'?
Baby, are you lost
Or just lost in the moment?
Baby, are you lonely
Or just lonely for me?
Where do you think
Where do you think you're goin'?"

The time had come. Friday had come, and it was time for Lucas to go to the clinic.
Lucas left the apartment with his jacket in his left hand and his navy blue suitcase in his right hand.
But before he left he peppered Eliott's face with millions of kisses, telling him how much he loved him and how much he was going to miss him.

"I'm going to miss you too, my love", Eliott had answered, peppering Lucas with kisses in return.
"You'll call me before you go to bed tonight, right?", Lucas asked and Eliott nodded.
"Of course, baby, of course. I'll come and visit you on Sunday and every time work and Uni allow me to", he said and Lucas smiled relieved.
"Okay, je t'aime", Lucas said before walking out the door.
Eliott watched him leave, his heart was heavy in his chest.

Lucas' therapist picked him up and drove with him to the clinic.
They met with the lady who was in charge of everything at the clinic, she explained what the daily routine looked like and what Lucas was allowed to do and not to do.
She also told him about what was going to happen.

"You'll be having group therapy on Wednesday and Thursday, and therapy sessions every day except for the weekends. Since you'll be staying here for two weeks, that's not too busy of a schedule, I think", the lady explained as they walked to Lucas' room.

The room wasn't that big, but it'd do for two weeks.
A round, wooden table stood in the middle of the room with two chairs and a fake plant on it. There was a bunk bed on the left side and a desk on the right side.
The walls were painted in a soft yellowish color and the floor was linoleum floor.
There was a small bathroom with a sink, a mirror, and a shower.
Lucas touched the mirror with his finger and it turned out that the mirror wasn't real, as he'd expected.
When he asked why it was that way, the lady named Ms. Rouge answered, that someone could try to break the mirror and use the shards to injure themselves.
That answer confirmed his assumption yet again.

They walked down to the lunch hall.
Lucas looked around and grimaced at the menu card right next to the door.
"Are there any healthy options?", Lucas asked over his shoulder while re-reading the menu over and over again.
"Yes", Ms. Rouge said, "Wednesday is our all-veggies-day, where there's a lot of vegetables. I know that the name's kind of misleading."

After going over the therapy plan with Lucas' therapist, Lucas went to his room to call Eliott and inform him about what had happened.
Three hours had passed and according to Eliott's schedule, his lunch break had started about 5 minutes ago.

"Hey, baby! How was your day?", Lucas asked.
"Uhh, it was fine. A bit stressful because I have to finish up my essay that I was supposed to hand in yesterday, but it won't take long", Eliott told Lucas, who had crossed his legs as he was sitting on his bed, his phone pressed to his ear with his right hand.
"Oh, I wish you good luck with that, then! I'm sure you'll get it done.
My day was okay so far, I'll have my first therapy session later today, very anxious about that. I have therapy every day except for the weekends, which is fine, I guess. Putain, I miss you so much", Lucas told Eliott, who listened attentively.

"I miss you so much, too. But I'll come to visit you on Sunday. I have to go now, finish up some notes, and get ready for the last two lectures. Je t'aime, Lu Lu", Eliott said.
"Okay, see you then. Moi aussi", Lucas said quietly and Eliott made a few kissing sounds before hanging up.
Lucas stared at the contact info for a while, re-reading Eliott's nickname on the screen over and over again. Mon raton laveur. Mon raton laveur.
It kept on bouncing around in his brain.
How much he'd love to get home right now, kissing the love of his life and never letting him go again.

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