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"All this shade that's comin' at me,
I wonder who throws it.
They can't see the vision, boy they must be out of focus.
That's a real hot album homie,
I wonder who wrote it, oh shit."

Sunday mornings were Eliott's favorites.
He got to sleep in, cuddle with Lucas until they'd eventually make breakfast, and chat about different things while having breakfast.

This time it was different, though.
Eliott still felt guilty about what he'd done throughout his manic episode.
The books he'd bought hadn't been too expensive and they were nice to look at and read.
But canceling the flight had been a hassle.
Luckily it was all done now, yet Eliott couldn't help but shiver at what could happen during the next manic episode.

For now, he had to deal with the upcoming depressive episode anyway.
He wasn't feeling too bad, extremely guilty and sad, but he knew that it'd get worse during the next couple of days.
Lucas rolled over, towards Eliott.
He was still asleep, but Eliott could tell by the way his facial features were that it wouldn't take long until he'd wake up.
A pang of guilt hit his stomach.

How could he dare to put his sweet, sweet Lucas through all of this shit?
How could he dare to do this to Lucas, inflicting this much pain and suffering on him?
Eliott tried to fight the tears but to no avail.
Suppressing his sniffling didn't help, therefore he got up to walk to the kitchen.

He opened the kitchen window, inhaling the morning air.
After he'd found his lighter on the dinner table, he went to get his cigarettes from the pocket of his brown jacket.
Usually, he'd smoke weed on beautiful mornings like today, but smoking weed was the most counterproductive thing someone could do to self-medicate their depression or depressive symptoms. It made things worse. And despite loving the relaxing effect it had on his body, Eliott didn't want to provoke the upcoming depressive episode into being worse than it already was going to be.

While blowing out the smoke, Eliott let yesterday's events wander through his mind again.
Why did he think heading off to the airport was a good idea?
Why didn't he just stay with Lucas instead of leaving him?
Those were questions he knew he'd never receive answers to.
After Eliott was done with his cigarette, he went to making two cups of coffee for him and Lucas.

Lucas walked into the kitchen, his heart pounding in his chest.
He thought that Eliott had left him again, but there he was, standing at the kitchen counter and making coffee.
"Good morning, beautiful", Lucas said happily as he wrapped his arms around Eliott's waist, relieved about him being here and not out and about in the world again.
"Morning, love. I've made coffee", Eliott said, pushing the other cup in Lucas' direction.
"Merci beaucoup, mon amour", Lucas said with a smile, taking a sip and the caffeinated liquid ran smoothly down his throat.

Lucas pulled Eliott into a hug again, and the taller one had to set down his cup first before being able to hug back.
"I love you, I love you, I love you, I love you, baby", he said and Eliott couldn't help but smile.
"I love you too, my love", he responded, pressing a kiss onto Lucas' head.
The smaller one let his hands travel upwards to Eliott's shoulders.
"Carry me, s'il vous plaît?", Lucas asked and Eliott lifted him up.

"Of course, angel", he said before kissing Lucas, who now didn't have to crane his neck anymore.
Lucas folded his arms behind Eliott's neck, pulling even closer.
Eliott smirked. "Ah ouais, did you plan this?", he asked playfully.
Lucas shook his head. "Nah, it just happens when living with an extremely handsome man", he answered, smirking as well.

Eliott carried Lucas back to bed, carefully letting him flop onto it.
He spread Lucas' legs apart, laying down between them.
"Going for the gusto, huh?", Lucas asked in between kissing, his hands were now all up in Eliott's hair.
"Oui, bien sûr", Eliott answered, reaching out for the first drawer of his nightstand, where the condoms were.

Lucas pulled his shirt over his head, letting Eliott immediately plaster his chest with kisses and a few hickeys.
Eliott undressed himself and Lucas at breakneck speed until all that was left were their boxers.
Lucas pulled Eliott closer again, their hips grinding against each other and inevitably their erections as well.
"Putain, merde", Lucas groaned through his gritted teeth, he couldn't take it anymore.

"I'm going to fuckin' rip your boxers off if you don't do it yourself in the next five seconds", Lucas said as another groan slipped from his lips.
But Eliott took his time, kissing long trails of kisses down on Lucas' chest to his crotch area.
As soon as Lucas' boxers were off, Eliott took off his boxers as well.
The last ounce of being all slow about it disappeared into thin air and he practically devoured Lucas, who was already lost in a cloud of pleasure.

Eliott held onto Lucas' slim hips as he pounded into him.
Lucas wrapped his legs around Eliott's waist, pressing his lover even closer.
While Lucas moaned out one curse word after another, Eliott was busy with sinking his teeth into Lucas' sensitive neck, adding to the stream of curse words.

Lucas bit his lower lip, holding on to Eliott's shoulders.
A few tears slipped from his eyes, he was on cloud 1000 or something because Eliott was so good. So good at making him feel incredible and safe. Crying during sex wasn't anything new to Eliott, Lucas had told him all about it after their first time together.
"Baby, I think I'm close", Eliott whispered into Lucas' ear.
Lucas moaned at that, the shivers that were running down his spine felt incredible.

A moment later Eliott came, helping Lucas out to come with him.
While coming down from their highs, Eliott gently kissed Lucas.
"Baby, you need to pull out, it's starting to hurt", Lucas informed him after a while, tapping his thigh with his hand.
"Oh, sorry", Eliott said before pulling out carefully.

After throwing the condom into the trash can in their bathroom, they cuddled some more.
Lucas enjoyed nothing more than the presence of Eliott, how he was almost all around him. Similar to a blanket, that made him feel safe and secure.
He wrapped one arm around Eliott, pulling him closer and enjoying the way his body warmed his own.

"Je t'aime, mon hérisson", Eliott said after a while, pressing a kiss to Lucas' chest.
"Moi aussi, mon raton laveur", Lucas almost whispered, giving Eliott a quick peck on his cheek.

They spent most of their Sunday in bed, chatting, sleeping, and simply enjoying the presence of each other.
They had to start a busy week tomorrow, therefore they tried to hold onto the weekend as long as they possibly could.


[Word count: 1172 words]

Another chapter's done!
The lyrics at the top are from the song "ISPY" by KYLE feat. Lil Yachty.
Hopefully, you enjoyed this and this doesn't suck as much as I think it does.
That's pretty much it, bye!

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