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"But when it gets light again, your light redeems
You are no longer yourself, but you don't see it
Babe, it can't go on like this, I have realized it
Yes, I want to see you again, but you don't deserve it
I think you don't know what love is."

Eliott opened the door as they walked in.
He then unlocked the door to their apartment, still holding onto Lucas' hand.

Lucas immediately got to changing into more comfortable clothes, Eliott did the same.
Afterward, they both curled up on the couch, seeking each other's warmth.
"And? How are you feeling?", Lucas asked after a while, a short question spoken into the darkness of the night.
Eliott's hands began to feel clammy, tightness spreading in his chest.
"Better, now that I've got you back", he replied, licking his lips nervously.

It was true, he was feeling better.
But if he'd tell Lucas about how much this whole thing had affected him, the other wouldn't be able to stop worrying.
"I cried a lot, though, 'cause I was afraid of losing you. But now you're here, in my arms", Eliott confessed, he didn't want Lucas to get the impression that he didn't know that he could tell him anything.

"Really? I didn't want that, mon amour", Lucas said, looking down at his hands.
He turned his head to look Eliott in the eyes, they were full of insecurity and sadness.
"Baby, baby", Lucas said hastily, scrambling to his knees to hold Eliott's face with both of his hands. He carefully sat down on the other's lap, keeping eye contact.
"I will never leave you, never. I didn't leave for good, I wanted you back and you wanted me back, too. We met in the middle and now we've reconciled", Lucas whispered against Eliott's lips, gently stroking his cheek with his thumb.

"I know, at least rationally I do. I trust you, mon hérisson, I do", Eliott spoke, looking down on Lucas' pink and slightly chapped lips.
Lucas bent forward, connecting their lips, his hands wandered up to Eliott's hair.
"I trust you, too, my love", he whispered, connecting their lips yet again.

His hands wandered to Eliott's neck, down to his back, and to his hips.
Lucas pulled himself closer, chest pressed against Eliott's.
"I love you so much, angel", he spoke, teeth clattering against teeth for a brief moment, both of their breaths were rising and falling quickly.
"And I love you so much", Eliott replied, gently leaning back against the cushions of the couch.
"You know", Lucas began, sitting up to look Eliott in the eyes, "You're the brightest star on my horizon. And I'd do everything within my power to keep you shining."
Eliott gently smacked Lucas across the chest with the back of his hand, giggling a bit. "Oh, you big sap, you. You're a big ol' sap, you don't mean that."
"Of course I mean that, you idiot. Nah, I'm sorry love, I do mean that. I mean every sweet endearing thing I say to you, angel", Lucas retorted, shooting Eliott a glare before smiling at him again.

"For real, though", he continued, "Being loved by you and receiving your love is the greatest thing that has ever happened to me, honestly."
"Wow", Eliott said, "Thank you, I can only say the same, your love is the best love."
Lucas couldn't help but smile even more than before, the corners of his eyes crinkled as he looked at his boyfriend with heart eyes.
"You're the best", he said, wrapping his arms around Eliott's waist as he laid back down, "Je t'aime."
Eliott smiled, his eyes looked like little half-moons as the corners of his eyes crinkled. "Moi aussi."

Later, after they'd taken a quick shower together, Lucas and Eliott curled up on their bed.
Eliott had to finish some things for Uni and Lucas had to get another history essay done.
While they were working, bodies hunched over their laptops and folders, they listened to some music.
Luckily, the history essay didn't take long to finish, and Lucas was soon done with it.

He used the bit of free time to scroll through his phone, reading a few blogs online.
He stumbled across an article about yoga and how it's supposed to help with stress.
"Umm, Eli?", he asked absentmindedly as he read the article, "Do you think we should start doing yoga to combat the stress?"
Eliott looked up from his notes. "Umm, if you want to try it out, I'd be down."
"Alright, I'm going to ask Manon tomorrow after school if she wants to lend us a yoga mat, she's got like five or six or something", Lucas said before he left the browser and switched to WhatsApp.

Lucas: Ey Manon, could you lend me two of your array of yoga mats? ;) ;)
Manon Schmanon: You good Lu Lu? What do you need them for? For yoga? Or for one of your kinky little shenanigans with Eliott?
Lucas: Non! Non! For yoga only, don't worry. ;) ;)
Manon-Schmanon: Am I gonna get them back tho?
Lucas: Bien sûr, you're gonna most definitely get them back, don't worry. ;) ;)
Manon-Schmanon: Alright, come over tomorrow after school and you'll get 'em.
Lucas: Merci Manon ;) ;)
Manon-Schmanon: Okay, alright

Lucas closed WhatsApp.
"Yep, Manon is ready to lend us some", he said as he put his phone on the nightstand.
Eliott connected his laptop to its charger, crawling back under the duvet.

"Come here, mon hérisson", Eliott said as he wrapped his arms around Lucas' waist, pulling him closer.
Lucas nuzzled his head into Eliott's neck, inhaling his scent. It smelled of coffee with a hint of strawberries and his lemonade-lime shower gel.
Eliott couldn't stop smiling, he was relieved that Lucas was with him again, right by his side.

He couldn't imagine a world where Lucas wouldn't be lying right next to him, the first person he saw every morning and his smile the last thing before drifting off to sleep.

Despite his emotional world being messy and confusing, he knew that things would be okay one day.
With his boyfriend by his side, he knew he'd be okay one day.

At least he sincerely hoped that that would be the case soon.


[Word count: 1040 words]

Boy, I spent almost all day writing today.
The lyrics at the top are from the song "Scheinen", "Seem To Be" by Mo$art.

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