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"I think I'm perfect (Perfect, perfect, perfect)
Bitches perfect (Perfect, perfect, perfect)
I'm perfect (Perfect, perfect, perfect)
Bitches perfect (Perfect, perfect, perfect)

Think I'm perfect (Perfect, perfect, perfect)
You is perfect (Perfect, perfect, perfect)
I'm perfect (Perfect, perfect, perfect)
You are perfect (Perfect, perfect, perfect)"

Lucas opened his dry eyes.
He looked at the watch on his phone, he was running late.
Today was Wednesday, the middle of the week. He couldn't afford to skip another day, therefore he had to get up.

His head hurt as he got under the shower, probably from crying last night.
He quickly went through the motions of his morning routine, hurrying to get ready as quickly as possible.
While putting on a beige hoodie with a pair of jeans, he looked over to the bed.
Eliott wasn't there anymore.
His brain almost started to hurt from turning the gears at 1000 km/h, trying to come up with a possible scenario as to where Eliott could be.

In the kitchen, Lucas spotted Eliott, who was sitting at the dinner table.
He was resting his head in his hands, long fingers peeking out of the bird's nest that was his hair.
Eliott was undoubtedly in the need of a haircut.
"Bonjour, mon amour", Lucas sing-sang as he walked over to the kitchen countertop, where he'd put the bottles of liquid food for the tube.
He took off the yellow band-aid, connected it to the syringe that was attached to the bottle, and pressed a button on the back of the bag that the bottles had come in.
A soft whirring sound and a click sound later the liquid food began to slowly seep into the tube. The feeling was weird, but Lucas tried his best to ignore it.

Eliott got up and walked to the refrigerator, taking out some butter and avocado.
While he was preparing his avocado toast, he watched what Lucas did.
"You know, Lucas, you don't have to do this for me", Eliott said, taking a bite of his toast.
Lucas turned his head to the side, making eye contact with his boyfriend.
"I'm trying this out, maybe it'll work, maybe it won't", he answered back, "I can always get it taken out."

After the small lamp on the back of the bag flashed twice, Lucas pressed another button and the liquid food stopped flowing.
He sealed the end of the tube with a band-aid that he'd found in one of the kitchen drawers and rinsed the syringe out under the stream of tap water in the kitchen sink.
He then put everything away, wiping off the bit of blood that had begun to flow out of his nose.
"I'll see you after school, yeah?", Lucas asked, craning his neck a bit.
"Yeah", Eliott answered as he leaned down for a kiss.
His fingers gently stroked Lucas' cheek. "I love you, all of you", he said, pressing a kiss to Lucas' forehead.
The other man smiled. "I love you, too, all of you, mon amour", Lucas responded, his eyelids fluttering close.
They stood like that for a few minutes, gently swaying back and forth in the bright sunbeams coming through the kitchen windows.

Lucas made a mental note to buy flowers for Eliott after school.
At school, he was greeted by his friends.
"Lucas, I thought we'd gone over this already", Yann said, throwing up his arms in frustration.
"Huh?", Lucas asked, "What are you referring to?"
"You've shut yourself off from us once", Yann said, "But I'm not going to let you do that twice."

Lucas looked up from his phone. Despite the hood of his hoodie, the others could see the tube in his nose.
"What is that thing, Lu Lu?", Yann asked concerned.
"It's an NG tube, which stands for nasogastric intubation. It's supposed to give my body the nutrients that it is lacking", Lucas explained, "I'm only trying it out, though. If it won't do any good, I'll get rid of it."
Basile walked closer to carefully touch the plastic tube. "And how do you fit food in this?", he asked, not taking his eyes off the tube.
Lucas sighed. "Liquid food goes in there with the help of a syringe, a certain number of Milliliters and when it's done, the flow stops", Lucas explained.

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