Part 10

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Jordon pov

" err...kai I'll call you back alright?" He said and he put his phone away and walked up to me, " hey, how you doing? You alright?"

I nodded and I couldn't help but laugh a little at him. He looked confused on what to do right now,  " yeah I'm fine," I took the mask off from around my face   and put it on the side, " what are you doing here?"

How did he even find out I was here? I doubt dad would tell him, I'm surprised dad even let him in the room.

"kai saw an ambulance at your house last night and he told me this morning about it," I nodded, " I went to your house but no one was there so I came here."

He sat down on the chair near my bed and he looked at me a little concerned. It went a little quiet and I could tell he wanted to question why I was here again.

" Jordon what's going on?" He asked, " and no more jokes this time I'm being serious,"

I sighed because I really wasn't ready to talk about it yet," it's nothing to worry about Mattia,"

He raised his eyebrows a little, " really? This is nothing to worry about?" He asked pointing at all the machines around me, " your dad wouldn't have been so upset if it was nothing. He said something about not wanting you to go through something again, what did that mean?"

" nothing," I answered and he looked at me seriously. He was being persistent and it was annoying me a little," well why do you wanna know so bad now? You didn't seem so concerned before," I asked.

" I didn't think it was anything serious then but now I'm starting to worry," he told me.

I rubbed my head, " I just...fainted, that's all, I'm better now,"

He looked at me suspiciously and he could probably tell I was lying. He sighed and sat back in his chair," fine then, don't tell me,"

He looked at me a little disappointed and I sat back in my bed. The last thing I wanted was for him to be mad or feel like I didn't trust him. He wasn't supposed to know or question any of this, he wasn't supposed to think something was wrong.

For god sake, just when I thought I was going to live normally, I had to be rushed to the hospital and Mattia had to end up seeing me like this. My eyes went a little watery and I felt like I just wanted to scream because of how downhill everything went.

" what's wrong?" He asked, pulling his chair closer to my bed.

" I've ruined everything haven't I?" I asked him. We were suppose to talk about us today, about last nights kiss and where we'd go from that. Not why I was in the hospital.

He sighed and shook his head, " no Jordon its not like that. It's just...." he palmed his face and he stopped talking.

" I bet this whole thing has probably freaked you out a little and you don't want to be around me anymore," I get it now. I get why dad said what he did last night. Mattia wouldn't be the first person to find this all overwhelming. He wouldn't be the first person to walk away.

" what? Jordon, no." He sat on my bed and held my hands and I looked down at them, "look, I'm just worried about you and I wanna know what's happening. I just want you to be honest with me that's all," I didn't want to tell him yet, maybe when I fully recover? When I was finally free from it all, " but if you really wanna keep it to yourself then I guess I can live with that. I'm not gonna leave you though," I looked up at him.

" really?" I asked a little confused. Why didn't he want to leave? Why didn't this have a bigger impact on him than I thought it would?

He laughed a little and rested his forehead against mine, " yes really. You think you can get rid of me that easily?" he whispered and I laughed. He smiled at me whilst I laughed and the closeness of his face made me blush a little," I just got you, there's no way in hell I'm leaving you,"

I felt so relaxed and relieved to hear that. It felt a little foreign to me because I don't get told this often.

His hands were still holding mine. They were a little soft and fit comfortably in mine. I could get use to holding his hands for a while. He was still gazing into my eyes and I could feel myself blushing more, I stared back into his and I loved the unique shade of brown they were. And that's the interesting thing about brown eyes, they just seem like any regular pair until you make them into something special. And my god were his something special.

We were sitting there quietly for a bit and if I didn't know any better it almost looked liked we were about to kiss again. He was leaning in a little and his hands slowly moved up to my face.

" what are you doing here?!" Dad yelled seeing Mattia in the room. He came in so suddenly that it scared both of us, Mattia screamed and quickly jumped off the bed, away from me.

I started laughing a little at him and how red he had gotten right now. He looked so scared seeing my dad and I felt silly for ever thinking that dad let him in here in the first place. Obviously he snuck in.

Mattia looked back at me still looking a little freaked out, " we should really put a bell on your dad or something," he said and I laughed harder.

Dad stepped closer to him, " I asked you a question," and he put his hands on his hips, " what are you doing here?"

Mattia scratched the back of his head and looked between my dad and I nervously, " errr....I was just leaving?" he said pointing towards the door.

" yeah, I don't think so," dad said rolling up his sleeves. He tried to catch Mattia but failed quite miserably. Mattia was jumping over my bed and running around my room as my dad chased him, it almost looked liked he was enjoying it and knowing him he probably was. It took him a while but he finally managed to get to the door.

" I'll see you later," he said waving at me and I waved back.

" like hell you are!" Dad yelled running up to him, he tried grabbing him but missed and Mattia ran for his life.

Throughout this whole thing I couldn't stop laughing and I even found it a little amusing when I saw dad panting near the door, looking at both ends of the corridor to see if Mattia was still there.

He looked back at me," under no circumstances is he allowed to visit again, you hear me?" He asked pointing at me, " you text him or call him and tell him that he's not allowed to come back in here,"

I smiled and nodded, sitting back in my bed. Sure dad did scare the shit out of him but something was telling me that it didn't matter what I told mattia, he'd still come here regardless. Nothing was going to stop him from coming to see me.


Does anyone else always end up crying on their birthday unintentionally? And I don't mean happy tears, like I've literally had a panic attack in my bathroom every year since like 2017 and no one in my family knows about them😂😂I just realised it now and I'm finding it funny for some reason

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