Part 29

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Mattia pov

" you mind if I bring Gian along?" I asked Jordon over the phone, " ma had to help dad out at the restaurant and I'm supposed to be baby sitting him," I looked at Gian who was standing right in front of me, with his arms folded. He thought I was going to leave him here and he got a little annoyed.

" yeah of course, I don't mind," she said back into the phone.

" cool, I'll see you in a bit," I said to her. I put my phone down and looked down at Gian, " go on go get changed," I told him.

" yes!" He said excitedly and he ran to his room. I looked at him funnily because he really believed I was going to leave him here alone. Ma would kill me if I did that.

He came back five minutes later and we both left the house.

" mattia?" Gian asked as we were walking to Jordons house.

" yeah?" I said looking over at him.

" why is Jordon always unwell?" He asked, " like she's always at the hospital and you're always with her. Is it something serious?"

" well," I scratched the back of my neck, " Jordon has cancer," I said quietly. His eyes widened a little and he went back to looking at the pavement.

" oh," he went quiet and he started to think of something, " it doesn't hurt her too much right? She's going to get better right?" He asked me.

I smiled a little, " hopefully she will. I don't always know how she feels but cancer isn't something small, so I guess it does hurt her a bit," I didn't want him to worry too much and scare him with anything.

" why did no one tell me about it?" He asked, " do mama and papa know about it?" He asked. I nodded and he tutted, " so why didn't you tell me?"

I shrugged, " I don't know. I just thought you wouldn' wouldn't really care," I didn't mean that in a cruel way. I thought he wouldn't understand what it was so he wouldn't really be that concerned.

" I care," he said nodding, " I really care. I like Jordon and I want to know if she's ok," he said and I smiled at him. I knew she'd probably start tearing up a little if she heard him say that.

We finally got to her house and I knocked on the door waiting for her to answer. She opened the door,and I felt the butterflies in my stomach fluttering, because of how dang cute she looked all the time. She was always wearing one my beanies nowadays due to her hair falling out, and she looked so adorable in it.

She looked down at Gian, she smiled and waved at him" hey,"

He hugged her, wrapping his arms around her long legs, which took her by surprise. She looked down at him then back at me, confused.I smiled and shrugged in response and she bent down a little putting her arms around him.

He looks up at her and gives her a huge smile, " what was that for?" She asked him.

He shrugged, " to show that I care too," he told her, " I might be a kid but I know what's going on as well. I hope you get better too,"

She pursed her lips and nodded and he let go of her, " you want something to eat? there's some chips on the kitchen counter. Why don't you go get them?" She said to him and he nodded and walked off into the kitchen.

She watched him and I put my arm around her bringing her closer to me. I kissed her forehead, becasue that's how I almost always greeted her nowadays, " you're gonna cry aren't you?" I asked her and she nodded, whilst wiping her eyes.

I laughed a little and pulled her closer to me giving her a tight hug.

" I swear if you're ever rude to him ever again I'll kill you," she warned me whilst her head was still buried in my chest.

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