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     "Ah shit, here we go again." Mitchel recites in a deep voice. I roll my eyes at him and buckle my seat belt. A smile appeared on my face. I hated that meme, but it was funny whenever he said it.

It was our first day of concert rehearsal. We had six months before our world tour, and we were nowhere near ready. We were happy about taking a much-needed break, but it was only supposed to last two months. Somehow, it ended up being an entire year.

We released our EP, Don't Try This, and fans begged us to release tour dates so they could hear our new songs live. Their wish was our command.

     "Someone's calling you." I alert my best friend. Mitchel glances down at his phone.

"Can you see who it is?" I grab his phone from his lap and frown at the name.

"Jordan. Should I answer?" He shrugs. Nodding and turning on the Bluetooth so his phone would connect to the car.

"Hey, Christian and I are in the car. What's up?"

"Oh, hey Kras, um, I was calling cause we had dinner reservations for tonight and was wondering if we were still going?" Mitchel's girlfriend asks.

The car slows down as we approach a red light. I notice Mitchel grip the steering wheel and guilt floods his eyes. "I'm sorry, love, rehearsal may take too long." He admits.

An awkward silence fills the car. I wanted to say something to lighten the mood, but I knew better. I look out the window admiring the beautiful day. The person in the car's passenger seat next to us widens her eyes. I look around me, wondering if was something wrong. She begins waving and covering her mouth in excitement. I awkwardly wave back.

We weren't used to being noticed in public. I wanted to say something to Mitchel, but he was too focused on Jordan. I look back at him. He catches me. He was giving me a half-smile. I break our eye contact. Looking back out the window.

     "That's fine. Some other time. Bye Kras! Talk to you guys later!" Mitchel says goodbye and hangs up. I don't respond to her. I felt bad that Mitchel canceled another date with Jordan, but that meant more time with me. I wasn't opposed to that. 

"I take it that things aren't going too well for you two?" I ask, mentally hoping the answer was a no. He shrugs. Picking up speed as we drive down the highway. I watch the cars that go by us.

"We haven't had time to see each other. She's been getting booked for more weddings, concerts, etc. Now that we've released this album, we're going to be even busier," A sad look appears on Mitchel's face before he continues. "This means less time together."

"Sounds like you're planning a breakup," I state. He sighs. Grabbing the box of cigarettes from his jacket pocket. I felt bad for asking. He wanted to stop smoking, but everyone knows how difficult that is. He smoked more when he became stressed.

This was stressing him out badly.

"I don't know yet. Maybe." I nod my head. I decided it was best to drop the subject. What he was saying didn't make sense to me, but I didn't want to push him.

"How are you and..."Mitchel pauses, thinking to himself. "I forgot his name." Mitchel finishes. He blows the smoke out of the corner of his mouth. Resting the cigarette between his index and middle finger as he drove.

"Tanner," I remind him. "We're not talking anymore."

Out of the corner of my eye, I see Mitchel look at me. Concern was written all over his face. I avoid his eyes. I was tired of seeing the pity look he gave me every time I stopped talking to someone. I had a feeling he blamed me when things didn't work out. Then again, it usually was my fault.

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