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*Ruby's pov*
I quickly checked who texted me. Was I dreaming? This couldn't be real. Who would want to talk to someone like me? I mean I already feel sorry for them.

It was probably a stalker but again why would someone stalk me out of million people? They would just go and find someone worthy.

An old disgusting person? probably, maybe they were going to cat fish me and then meet me somewhere to kill me. It seemed like the only reason that made sense.

Okay, you are just overreacting, somewhere inside of me told me. Was I? Could someone real be actually texting me? Well I guess there was only one way to learn.

"Hi" I wrote back before looking at their profile.


I couldn't believe my eyes. A boy was texting me, an attractive boy- He was one of the most looking person that I ever saw, maybe even the most good looking.

Why was he texting me?? No, how me?? Did he saw my profile? Well obviously not.

I looked sadly at my phone, it was going to be over before it even started. He was going to find me disgusting and just leave me. Well we didn't even start talking yet but it was obvious, like everyone else did before.

I had so much trust issues, I was hopeless.

Why did I even already care? I didn't even know this boy.

We only said "hi" it's not like we will be friends or something. Why should I care about whatever he would want to be friends or not when we only said one word to each other?

It's not like I will ever see him. Plus I already had enough friendship problems I wasn't going to get upset over this right?

It was funny how I was the one saying that when I always care about what people thinks of me. Maybe I did care but I wasn't going to accept that I did.

"How are you" He texted me back as I looked at my phone again, shocked.

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