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*Ruby's pov*
My friends; Jury, Madilyn and Sabrina done everything to make me happy for the week.

Sabrina made me start my carrier at being an actress, even if I wasn't done with school yet.

I loved them, they were the best friends I could ever ask for. Because of them, the heart break was going easier.

I hated the fact that I said heart break when we didn't even date. From this I learned one thing, crushes were called crushes because they actually crush you.

Jury and Con flirted everyday, they were so cute together.

I was best friends with Con, James and Brad too now. They were amazing and funny, I was so lucky to have them in my life.

I even felt like James was my brother.

There was one person I missed though...Tristan. He didn't text me back for a week or even texted in the group chat.

I wasn't worried though, he was probably with his girlfriend...

I thought he knew how toxic his girlfriend was now but no I was whole wrong, he loved her so much that he chose her instead of us.

*Tris's pov*
What was I doing? This felt so wrong.

How could I choose to hang out with a girl instead of my best friends? Even if she was my girlfriend.

I felt terrible, thinking about how much I missed.

"I am going to France for job baby, maybe someday you come for a visit?" Sarah kissed me.

She was wearing a fancy dress with her expensive bag that I baught her. It was obvious that she wasn't just going for job.

"whatever, maybe" I tried to smile at her but she didn't even look back and left.

Why was I even dating her?

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