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*Ruby's pov*
I woke up with someone softly shaking me. I slowly opened my eyes, my parents were standing right in front of me.


I looked around, and smiled when I saw Tris cutely sleeping on my shoulder.

We were still on the floor, was yesterday real?? did we really kiss??

I felt this big smile filling up my face, I can't remember being this happy before.

"Wake your boyfriend up, we are going to holiday today. He can come" My mum grinned, trying not to laugh.

"He is not-" But before I could complete my sentence they were already gone.

I didn't know how to wake him up, he was sleeping like an angel.

How does one wake one up after they kissed anyway?

should I kiss his gorgeous blue hair that I made him dye to wake him up? or should I just softly shake him? or should I kiss his lips?

Before I could do anything he woke up.

"good morning" he smiled and hugged me as I hugged him back. "morning" I shyly responded.

"Do you want to come to my family holiday with me?" I added then as he grined. "Someone wants to take things fast"

I giggled and jokingly hit his chest. "lets go" He got up after laughing and pulled me up.

I didn't realize I was still smiling at him until he said, "you know, I like it when you smile but I love it when I am the reason"

I blushed as he kissed me again.

How was this even real?? since when fairy tale love were real life??

"Well then good news, you are the only one that can make me smile in morning" I finally responded back as he smiled.

I then packed my bag and went with him and my family.

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