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stan was putting away a pile of books into a cart.

"hey stan!"

stan turned around to see a tall nerdy man with glasses.

he sighed.


"what's up man?"

"nothing much just doing my job."

"you gonna lend me the library for today?"

"no, i have to stop doing that for you richie. i'm gonna get caught."

"you are so annoying."

"im sorry i don't wanna loose my job! i like it here."

"yea yea your always mr.perfect-

stan was zoning out richie.

he was looking at the door to see a kid they looks about his age walk in.

he went to go to the back of the library and disappeared from stan's view.

"hey, are you even listening?"


"ugh see stan you are so annoying."

"i-i-i'm sorry i was just-

"whatever, anyway wanna go eat dinner with me and my boyfriend? he wants to meet you."

"im good, my lunch break isn't until 2:30 and it's just 1:46."

"okay suite yourself. see you later stan."


stan continued to put the books away.

when he finished he brought the cart over to a section of the library.

while he put everything away someone came up behind him.

"excuse me."

stan turned around.

he was this skinny brown haired boy who had a green shirt on and pants.

"uh hi."

"do you know where the dinosaur books are it's for a project."

"yea, i can show you over here. follow me."

stan walked over to the dinosaur section.

while he was doing so, a teen was looking through the cart of books.

he pulled out one book.

"many trees, but only a few hundred people."

he took it and left.

stan came back and started to put the books away.

"okay, let's count the books."

stan counted the books.

"wait... there's supposed to be 20 not 19. where's the other book?"

stan returned to the front of the library.

he checked the book receipts.

he checked each and every book.

"okay i'm missing, 'many trees, but only a few hundred people.' where can i find that? did someone not turn in there book?"

stan was frustrated.

"hey stan, you done with those books."

stan looked over to see his close friend daniel who worked with him.

"yeah but i'm missing a book."

he gasped.

"boss isn't gonna like that stan."

"it's okay! we're just not gonna tell him. maybe someone still has it checked out."

"but it would say that it's still checked out. these are books that people returned."

"oh shit."

"you know what i'll help you search."

"oh thanks daniel."

"no problem. that's what friends are for."

he smiled.

"what's the name of the book?"

"many trees, but only a few hundred people."

"alright i'll keep a look out."

he walked around each aisle.

stan did the same.

after minutes of searching they returned to the front.

"didn't find anything."

"me either, ugh i'm screwed."

"it's okay."

he placed a hand on his shoulder.

"hey it's almost 2:30 wanna go out to eat?"

"uhm, sure if you want."

"okay, how about we go now?"


stan said as they walked out the door.

"i'll drive."

daniel said pulling out his keys.


stan hopped into his car.

they drove to a near by restaurant.

they ordered there food.

they were now eating.

"this is actually really good wow."

stan said.

"i know! i come here a lot and it's so good."

"oh by the way i have my wallet in the car can i go get it?"

"no, i'm paying."


"im paying!"

"thank you, sorry."

"don't be sorry i wanna be nice."

stan smiled.

they payed and drove off to the library.

stan got back to the front.

"bye daniel, thanks."

"no problem."

daniel said going to the back of the library.

stan pulled out a book and waited to see if people came in.

i few minutes passed by and stan heard someone pop up behind him.

"it's almost closing time, wanna help me clean up?"

daniel said.

"oh yeah sure."

they started cleaning up.

when they finished they went outside.

"see you tomorrow stan."

"bye daniel!"

they went there separate ways.

new book ;) how you all like it so far? eek excited. anyway i need to stop making more books but oh well.

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