From A/n-Intro

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Hiiiiii. You don't have to read this but I personally would. Umm I really don't know why I'm writing this story but I just did. So basically I just wanted you to learn a bit about yourself. 

So your name is Y/n. So Y/n stands for Your Name so just when you see Y/n replace it with your name. You know (Emily, Layla, Sophie) I don't know what your name is but yeah.

Also L/n is your last name. So do the same as your first name. You know (Roberts, Brown, Bailey) Soooo yeah

You are from Australia. You went to an Australian wizard and witchcraft school. You are really talented and you didn't get a good education there. Your parents still are in Australia and you moved to come to Hogwarts. 

You are transferring into 3rd year. You know Dementors, Sirius Black and Professor Lupin etc. I'm not really going to involve you guys in much of this. (we'll leave that to the golden trio) Let's just focus on you!

You get a best friend called Sophia Haloy. She is kinda crazy but we loooove her!

I will put outfits and hairstyles out but you can change whatever you want. 

I really hope you like this story I tried really hard.

-From Your Author xx

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