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Hello, so I am definatly skipping alot now. It is now December. So not Christmas yet but next chapter or the next, next one will be christmas day. You haven't chosen between Draco and Fred. I know who we're going to choose. You may find that out this chapter. I'm not completly sure.

-Your Author


It was saturday morning. You got dressed and left your room.

 You got dressed and left your room

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Your Outfit-(Change what you like)

You walked downstairs and Draco was there waiting for you. You smiled and gave him a hug. He kissed you. You pulled away and grabbed bis hand. You lead him out of the common room. You let go of his hand as you walked into the great hall. Draco walked over to the Slytherin table but you quickly went over to the Gryffindor table to say hi. Fred wasn't there but the golden trio was there. 

"Hey Guys, how are you doing?" You stood there in front of them. Ron didn't notice you and had all his attention on the huge pile of pancakes in front of you. Harry was looking at you smiling. Hermione was reading but looked up when you came over.

"Hey Y/n, nothing much." Harry was gesturing for you to sit down but you looked up to see Draco staring at you.

"Uhh, I would love to but I should go sit with the other slytherins." You walked away and went to the slytherin table.

"Why were you over there?" Draco was clearly upset as he was galring at me.

"Just wanted to say Hi to them."


-Tiiiiiiiiiiiiime Skiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiip-

You hung out with Fred in the courtyard then headed back to your room. You went to sleep after reading.

-Tiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiime Skiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiip-

You woke up and changed into today's outfit.

You woke up and changed into today's outfit

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-Your outfit (Change what you like)

You walked down to the courtyard and saw Fred and Draco sitting together. You knew that this was bad. Theyboth looked at you. You sighed and walked over there. You knew what they would say.

"Hey Boys." You were waiting for them to yell.

"Listen Y/n." here it comes."We think that you need to choose between us."

Oh calmer than you thought. You knew the choice that would make you happiest. You had to do this. "Draco............can I talk to you."

You grabbbed his hand and led him away to a bench. 

"I know what your going to say Y/n. Fred is better for you. Go, be happy with him."

You started to tear up.

"I-I'm sorry Dray. Can we still be friends."

"Well yeah of course. You'll never lose me." You pulled him into a hug and kissed him on the cheek. He kissed the top of your head. 

"I love you Draco Malfoy and I will miss being able to spend every day with you, more than friends."

"I love you Y/n L/n and I will miss being able to spend every day with you, more than friends." 

You continued to tear up. 

"Goodbye L/n." 

"Haha Goodbye Malfoy."

He walked away and you placed your head in your hands and continued to cry. You felt someone hold onto you. You looked up to see Fred.

"Hey Y/n. As much as I hate seeing you like this. I'm really glad you chose me." You laughed a little and kissed him. You stayed hugging for a while.

-Draco's Pov-

I walked away. I loved her and I always would. I didn't want to lose her. But I did the right thing. Didn't I. I mean this might not be the end. I don't know but I need to move on.

-Tiiiiiiiiiiime Skiiiiiiiiiiip-

(Still Draco's Pov)

I neede to find someone else to date.I mean I didn't need to love her but I just needed something to take my mind off her.

Here it is. The door to the person who I need to take my mind of Y/n. She'll want me. I mean everyone wants me. Right. I slowly lifted my hand to knock. She opened the door.

"Hey Draco, what to you want now?"

"I ummm do you want to be my girlfriend."

"What. Draco I-I don't know what to say."

"Say yes. Please."

"Uhm ok Yes I will be your girlfriend Draco......I guess."

"Thank you. So much. Bye"

"Haha bye Draco."




Ummm sorry for the cliff hanger. But OMG Y/n and Draco are done......or are they? Draco has asked Pansy to be his girlfriend.......how long will that last? Ok I'm being weird.......or am I? Whatever. Thanks for reading. Had a bit of a short chapter but still hoped you enjoyed this. Byyyyyye Ducklings (I always call people my ducklings.....I know I'm weird!)

See y'all later bai!

-Your Author

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