26- 'Thank You Malfoy'

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Hi, I realized that I haven't really acknowledged that there have been holidays in this year. It seems like we haven't had breaks but we have. Christmas has passed. So have other holidays. You're almost done year 4 thought.

Enjoy Diggories


It was a couple days later. Sophia had been spending all of her spare time with Harry. She hasn't told me what's going on between the two of them. They have a very close and flirty relationship. I think she's hiding what they truly are from me and herself. Anyway I'd been spending most of my time with Cedric or Draco. Cho wasn't happy whenever Cedric spent time with me so he had to stop spending all his time hanging with me. But Draco had been occupying all my time. We would just walk around the halls, study or just sit outside and look at the sky. We would find something to do together. I could tell Sophia felt bad for not having spent any time with me at all but she looked happy, and that's all that matters.

You were eating breakfast with a girl named Daphne Greengrass. You and her had become friends after studying together. She was nice and quite funny. You liked spending time with her. She was friends with Pansy so you had been spending time with her too. You liked them both. You would spend time with them because you felt like you were stealing Draco away from Blaise, Crabbe and Goyle. SOmetimes you would all hang out together. They were really fun to be around but you still missed Sophia.

-Tiiiiiiiiiiiime Skiiiiiiiiiiiiiip-

We were in potions class making some random potion. You weren't really listening since you were focused on the table in front of you. Sophia was sitting there laughing with HArry. You thought you were happy for her but you and her ALWAYS sat together in class. I started to feel angry with the fact that she doesn't even look at me anymore. I miss her. Draco offered to be my partner and he sat with me.

"Alright what's wrong L/n?"

"What? Nothing."

"You have been staring at nothing for this whole lesson."

"I just.....it's Sophia. She's been spending all her time with HArry. At first I didn't mind but now it's making me angry. She hasn't talked to me in 5 days."

"Well she'll come around. You know that she'll get sick of Pottah soon enough. Anyways you have me instead."

"Haha what would I do without you Malfoy."

You started to finally listen in class and finished your work.


You went back to your dorm. Sophia didn't sit with you in any of the classes. SHe stayed with Potter the whole time. I was angry. I shouldn't be but I am.

I walked in and saw Sophia sitting there.

"Hey! I haven't seen you in forever Y/n." You could just forgive her but you didn't want to.

"Who's fault is that?"

"Sorry. I have been seeing Harry a lot lately."

"A lot lately? YOu have been spending every single minute of every day. You haven't spoken one word to me in 7 days!"

"Well I'm sorry for finding someone that actually has genuine feelings for me."

"Whatever. But don't come running to me when he breaks your heart."

"What do you mean when he breaks my heart?"

"Have you not seen the way he looks at Cho Chang?"

"Cho is with Cedric you idiot!"

"Not for long! It's just a matter of time before she realizes that she doesnt love him and it was harry. Cedric is starting to get sick of her. It is so obvious!"

"HOw dare you!!!! Listen Y/n I just cant talk to you now. I'm leaving."

"No no you stay, I'm going. You leaving would just inconvenience you."

You were furious. She could have said anything else. You could have reacted differently too but you can't go back and apologise now. You need to cool off.

'S*** where do I go.' I haven't got anywhere else to go. I mean you could just sleep on the common room couch. It will do for one night.

You reach the common room and grab a blanket. You lie down and close your eyes. You fall into a light sleep.

"Y/n. Y/n. Oi L/n! WAKE UP L/N!"

"Oh my God shut up Malfoy! What?"

"You really shouldn't sleep on the common room couch."

"I have nowhere else to go."

"Fine. Come on then."

He picks you up and carries you to his room.

"What are you doing?"

"Well sleep here. I'll sleep on my couch."

Draco had his own room. So he had a very spacious room all to himself. It was rather unfair.

"Oh ok."

You put your arms around his neck and pulled him down.

You kissed him and then pulled away and snuggled into bed.

"Thank You Malfoy."

"Anytime L/n."

-Draco's Pov-

I walked out of my room to the common room. I had been studying all night. I was starving so I left my room to sneak into the kitchens.

I walked out of the common room and went to the kitchens.

I came back after grabbing a snack.

I saw Y/n asleep on the couch. SHe looked peaceful but she wouldn't sleep well here. I lightly shook her. She didn't wake up. I kept shaking her and she wasn't waking up.

"Y/n. Y/n. Oi L/n! WAKE UP L/N!" I accidentally yelled way too loud.

"Oh my God shut up Malfoy! What?" She was cute when she was angry.

"You really shouldn't sleep on the common room couch."

"I have nowhere else to go."

"Fine. Come on then."

I picked her up and took her to my room. I placed her on my bed.

"What are you doing?"

"Well sleep here. I'll sleep on my couch." I wanted to sleep in my bed but it would be weird since Y/n's in there.

"Oh ok."

She reached up and grabbed my neck. I thought she was going to hug me but she kissed me! She pulled away and snuggled into the bed.

"Thank You Malfoy."

"Anytime L/n."

I looked at her one last time. She was so beautiful. What is this girl doing to me? I brushed a bit of hair out of her face and kissed her head. I went to the couch and fell asleep.


Hi Everyone,

I hope that you all enjoyed this chapter! Thank You so much for reading!

If you have any questions for me or any plot suggestions, feel free to comment below or message me on my account! If you want to give me a follow I'll give you a shout out thing, but totally your choice to follow or not!

Thank You again for reading and see you ducklings next chapter!

Bye Diggories

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