15- Malfoy's A Ferret

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The First Task was near and Sophia had been looking at Harry every moment she got. She had been acting quite strangly. She has this little jar that she says has her Good spirits in there. If she has it with her she will be surronded by only good spirits. Not really sure, if that's what I believe. She had been really worried about him. I honestly don't even understand her most of the time. 

I was walked into the courtyard. I met eyes with Cedric Diggory's. We had been talking a lot recently. He had become good friends with Sophia and she got him and I to become friends. I gave him a smile and he returned it. I turned around to see Malfoy trying to climb up a tree. He stood on Crabbe and Goyle's shoulders. He got up there and noticed you watching him. He smiked at you and laughed. You rolled your eyes and started to make fun of him for climbing that tree. Then he told everyone to shut up as Potter was coming. He told you to stand with the others and stay behind him. You rolled your eyes and did as he told. 

Harry came and Draco started being his stupid self. He made some stupid comment and then Harry turned his back. He pulled out his wand but then Professor Moody turned him into a ferret. You walked up to him and was hesident. He lifted his head and looked at you. You reached out your hand and lifted him up. He didn't stop you at all. You inspected him, then McGonagall came and started yelling at Moody.

"Miss L/n, do you want to let go of Mr MAlfoy and I will turn him back." You put him on the ground as McGonalgall turned him back into his self. He jumped back from Moody and said his classic Malfoy saying. Then he ran around the tree and grabbed your hand and ran away, pulling you along with him. He ran back to the slytherin rooms.

He hugged you tightly which caught you by surprise. 

"Hey, what's wrong."

"I just got turned into a F****** ferret."

"Ok, Ok, It's fine, you're back turned into yourself"

"And I'm happy to be!"

You continued hugging and then sat on the couch leaning on Draco's shoulder


Haha, Ummmm so REALLY sorry for the short chapter. It was only 395 words. Haha sooooorry! I will post again tonight to make up for the short chapter. Even though it took you like 2 minutes to read this, I still hope that you enjoyed it! Next chapter will be the first task! That should be more long! Thanks for reading and if you have an account and want to vote, please do. But if you don't want to vote, It's Fine by me. You do you boo! Thanks again for staying with me on this EXTREMELY short chapter but yeah! Bye Ducklings

-Your Author

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