13-Triwizard Tournament

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You were all called into the great hall for an announcment. You were sat next to Draco and Sophia was on the other side of you. You didn't know what was going on. You weren't really listening until you heard that other schools would be living here this year. That caught your attention. A group of beautiful ladies in blue caming gliding into the hall. All the boys were looking at them. You looked at Fred but he wasn't paying attention to them. How did you get  so lucky? You looked at Draco who was staring at them lovingly. You glared at him and he smiled and rolled his eyes. Then the Durmstrang boys came in. You looked at them and made direct eye contact with one of the boys. They smiled at you and you subtley smiled back. You breathed in and looked away. You looked at Fred. You are so lucky but then you looked back over to see that same boy staring at you. You looked down and zoned out. Then you looked up to see them reveling something called the Goblet of Fire. You listened to the rest. You then went to leave the hall. That same boy walked up to you.

"Hi I'm Alex Hallogoff."

"Hi Alex I'm Y/n L/n."

"Nice to meet you Y/n."

Then Victor Krum came up to the side of Alex.

"Oi Alex we have to go, oh Hi I'm Victor."

"I'm Y/n."

"Nice to meet you, sorry but I need to steal Alex now."

You watched them walked away. Sophia linked her arm in yours and guided you to the dungeons.

"So who was that guy?"

"Oh his name was Alex."

"Huh well he was cute and you seemed to like him."

"What no! I'm dating Fred remember."

"Yeah but how long will that last Huh?"

"Stop, stop it. I'm not leaving Freddie for Alex."

"Huh yeah well we'll see."

You walked away and went to sleep. Tomorrow was Friday and you had a free period all day. Although Fred had the opposite. He had no free periods. You thought about studying all day but that would be boring. You just went to sleep after reading for a bit.

-Tiiiiiiiiiiiiiiime Skiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiip-

You woke up and got dressed for the day.

You put on some high top shoes and headed down to breakfast

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You put on some high top shoes and headed down to breakfast. Sophia had a free period for the morning so we were going to hang out for the morning. You walked into the great hall and sat next to Draco. The durmstrang boys sat at the end of the slytherin table. You were sitting near the end of the table but not many of the boys had come down yet. Sophia was across from you so you were talking about whhat you were going to do. Draco had free periods in the morning too so he was going to hang out with you guys too. Someone sat next to you. You looked over to see Alex smiling at you.

"Hi Y/n."

"Hello Alex."

"What are you doing today?"

"I'm gonna hang out with my friends."

"Oh fun."

Someone kissed you on the cheek and you turned around to find a smiling Fred.
"Hey You, How are you doing?"

"Not much just getting ready for a day full of classes while you have a day with no classes."

"Haha yeah well I'm going to have a pretty boring day."

"Well you can plan some pranks."

"I'm not going to come up with pranks for you and your brother to then use on me."

"Haha you know us too well."

"I guess I do."

"I should get going but I'll see you tonight."

"What's tonight?"

"Well George, Sophia, You and I are going to hang out in the courtyard."

"Oh ok then." Sophia also didn't seem to know that we were doing that.

"Ok bye Baby."

"Bye Freddie."

You kissed and he walked away. You turned back around. Sophia was smiling at you.

"Aww you two are soooo cute."

"Oh stop you and Georgie are cuter."

"We are not."

You smiled and looked back down at your food. You looked at Alex and he looked back smiling with his eyes. You started talking to Draco who was now in a bad mood.

-Fred's Pov-

I saw Y/n talking to this dude from Durmstrang. They were looking at each other last night and then I saw them talking and laughing together. I felt jealous so I immidiantly went over there.

As soon as I left I saw them smiling at each other again.

-Back to your Pov-

I looked to the ravenclaw table to see Rubi kissing another guy. Dean at the Gryffindor table looked upset. Jeez that girl certainly get around. That ravenclaw boy left and Rubi immidiantly went to the Hufflepuff table and started flirting with a guy there and then they kissed! Clearly Rubi is a player. She was looking at Fred and I wanted to yell at her to stay away from my man but I contained my jealously.

-Tiiiiiiiiiime Skiiiiiiiiiiip-

I was sitting in the courtyard. Sophia just left for classes and Draco was still with me. We were just talking when Rubi came over. She started flirting with Draco and he wasn't stopping her. I couldn't help but feel jealous. I don;t know why I am dating Fred but maybe I still had feelings for Draco. I was trying to hide how uncomfortable I was. Draco noticed and turned his attention back to me. He kissed my cheek and held my hand. Rubi looked angry but just went over to George and started flirting with him. He was flirting back! I wanted to smack him. He noticed me glaring at him and ran away. 

I relised that I was still holding Draco's hand. I looked at him. He squeezed my hand and let go. He got up and left. He mesmorised you. This was what it was like when we first met. He just had a power over me. I've been thinking whether Fred is right for me lately. I pushed those words outb of my head. I was the luckiest girl ever. I need to stop thinking that he is perfect for me.

-Draco's Pov-

I was sitting with Y/n when the new girl came over. She started flirting with me. I mean I didn't stop her so I just listened to her. I felt Y/n tense next to me. I felt bad as I still am deeply in love with her. I kissed her cheek and grabbed her hand. Rubi left and went over to one of the Weasley twins, I can never tell them apart. I squeezed her hand and went off to class.



Thanks for reading. I'm really excited for Year 4! I have some BIG plans that will make thsi CRAZY! Rubi is starting to stir up some trouble. I hope that you enjoyed this chapter and that you are liking this book. Thank you for reading and please vote for my book (Only if you want). I can't believe that now my book is #1 on crazybestfriend ! Thank you so much guys! I also wrote a new book, it is called 'Tom Riddle's Daughter' please go read that one it was fun to write. I will be posting those chapters at the same time as these books chapters. I will still try to upload as much as I can though! Thank you and Bye Ducklings!

-Your Author xx

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