16- First Task

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Tomorrow was the first task and you were eating your dinner in the great hall. Sophia was staring dreamily at Harry.....AGAIN! I don't why she keeps staring at him, she is dating George Weasley. You looked down the Slytherin table and saw someone else staring but at you. You smiled at Alex and continued eating. Draco was over at the Gryffindor table making fun of the golden trio. You don't know why he got so much joy out of bullying them. He came over and sat down next to you.

"What were you saying to them that time?"

"Watching me Huh." He smirked.

"I was looking at Fred then I noticed you over there too."

"Well I was just wishing Harry the best of luck tomorrow." He said sarcastically.

"Well I guess, since you said that I don't want to know."

"It's probably best.." You both laughed and continused eating. 

-Tiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiime Skiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiip-

Today was the first task. You got ready and dressed warmly as it was bloody cold outside.

 You got ready and dressed warmly as it was bloody cold outside

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You walked down the stairs to find Draco waiting for you. He reached out his hand towards you. You laughed and took it. He guided you to the Slytherin stands. You were sitting in the front row so you had the best view. You looked around and saw Sophia hugging Harry. Again.....Sure it's nothing. Sophia came and joined you. She huddled up to you so you huddled up to Draco. She was hugging Draco as well. 

"What are you two doing?" 

"We are cold."


-Tiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiime Skiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiip-

Everyone except Harry had defeated their dragons and got their egg. Harry was fighting the dragon and Sopia looked really nervous. 

"Why are so worride Haloy." Draco leaned on the railing so that he could see Sophia. You knew that they would get in a fight now so you swapped spots with Draco to avoid them yelling across you.

As expected they started yelling at each other. Draco lightly pushed Sophia and she fell over the railing. You screamed and looked over to see her on the dragons back. Draco had his eyes closed and was breathing heavily.

"Oh my God. I've killed Sophia!"

"Calm down, you haven't killed her she is on the dragons back."

She was figuring out what to do and was slowly freaking out. You saw her swearing alot. Draco was freaking out and you put your arm around him to calm him down. He relaxed but tensed up again when the dragon blew fire.

"She going to die. And it's my fault!"

"No, no she isn't going to die. She's Sophia. She is one of the most toughest girl I know and she can save herself."

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