28- He's Returned

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The third task was in a few days. Which means Sophia had been hanging around Harry every spare moment she had. It was so annoying seeing them in the great hall today. 

I had been hanging with Cedric. We had become very close friends. I had helped him train for the tournament. He was beond ready. He would win for sure. I had made flags and banners and been handing them out to the people going for Cedric.

He asked me to meet him in the astromeny tower. I dressed warmly and began the very long walk to the top of the tower. 

I finally made it to the top of the stairs. I opened the door and saw Cedric standing on the edge looking at the view.

"Hey Pretty Boy. What's up?"

"Hey! I just wanted to hang out."

"So how are you and Cho?"

"I don't really like her anymore. I like someone else."

"Well good. I never really liked her. She was always so salty. So who do you like?"

"Well uh....you."

You were speechless. 

"I-I like you too Cedric."


"Yeah of course."

"Well do you want to to Hogsmeade this weekend?"

"I would love too."

He leaned in. You didn't stop him and he kissed you. You melted into him.

He pulled away and was smiling with his eyes (Hehe R) I smiled at him.

We sat there for a long time. We just talked and kissed a few times. I couldn't stop blushing the whole time. 

"Hey Is hould get going."

'No problem. I'll see you tomorrow. You'll be cheering me on."

"Of course I will. Bye Pretty Boy."

"Bye Y/n."

-Tiiiiiiime Skiiiiiiip.

The third taskwas tommorrow. Everyone was nervous but excited ta the same time. I have begun to get very suspicious of Professor Moody. He is being extremely suspicious.

We were all in the great hall eating dinner. Sophia was sitting with Harry. She was flirting with him. She was a horrible flirt. She didn't even relise that harry was looking over at Cho.

"She's in idiot. Spending her time with Saint Pottah instead of you. She doesn't deserve you."

"Thank You Draco."

"She'll get hurt. Saint Pottah and a slytherin wouuld never work."

"Like how her and George didn't and me and Fred."

"Well yeah. I mean we are enemies. She'll relise soon enough that Saint Pottah is a idiot."

"Thank You. I thing I might head back to the common room. I'll see you tomorrow at the task."

"Yeah I will. Bye Y/n."

"Bye Draco."

You walked down the stairs. You turned the corner and passed a door. Through the crack you saw Professor Moody. He had a bunch if the same flasks in a row. He mumbled something about Polyjuice potion. He turned around and directly met your eyes.

"Ahh Miss L/n."

"Professor Moody. Good Evening."

"Good Evening. I believe you have found something out. So I'm going to need to do something."

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