14-Goblet Of Fire

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You walked into the great hall with Draco. You saw Herminone so you went over there and Draco followed. Hermione was reading so she didn't notice you. You sat down next to Sophia. Then Fred and George came in. They had been making up an aging potion to get passed the line that surrouded the goblet. You couldn't let them do this. It wouldn't work. You looked at Sophia who looked very unimpresses. Honestly these boys. They were talking about how great it is that they finally created their potion. Sophia and I looked at each other and we knew what to do.

"It's not going to work." We sang together.

"Oh really, and whys that L/n and Haloy."

"You see that line there?" "Dumbledore drew it himself." Sophia finished for me.

"And what's your point."

"Dumbldore's power is so strong." "That his power couldn't be fooled by someting that dumb."

"But that's what makes it so powerful." "It is so easily dumb." They were such idiots.

"Whatever." We said together.

They drank it and jumped in. Nothing stopped them though. They turned and pointed at us then laughed. We rolled our eyes. You saw Sophia straring at Harry. Surely that meant nothing. Suddenly they were thrown back. They started to grow grey hair and long beards. They started fighting but then stopped. They looked at us.

"Honestly boys."

"What did we tell you?" You finished Sophia's sentence

"You told us it wouldn't work." They said together and looked down.

You went up to Fred and cupped his face. "You know, you age beautifully."

"Thank You." You laughed and kissed his cheek.

Then two of the durmstrang boys, Victor and......Alex came in. Tey put their names in the goblet. Victor looked at Hermione. Alex smirked at me but I turned my attention back to Fred who was starting to turn back to normal.

-Tiiiiiiiiiiiime Skiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiip-

It was time to take the names out of the cup. You were sitting down in between Sophia and Draco. You were waiting for them to be announced. Finally Dumbledore came in. He welcomed everyone and got ready to get the names.

The goblet turned red and a piece of paper flew out.

"The champion of Durmstrang is..........Victor Krum!" Everyone cheered including myself. Alex looked at you. He looked upset but changed his expression when you looked at him. You looked away immediately.

"The champion of Beauxbatons is............Fleur Delacour!" Again I cheered along with everyone else.

"The champion of Hogwarts is ...........Cedric Diggory!" Everyone cheered again and so did you. You never really had a conversation with Cedric alone but you thought he was rather handsome.

Everyone continued cheering until the goblet turned red again. Everyone was confused. dumbledore grabbed the paper that flew out and read it aloud.

"Harry Potter, HARRY POTTER!" Everyone looked at Harry. He walked forward and went to the side room.

"Cheat!" Draco called from beside you. I mean you kind of agreed. How did his name get in there? He was only 14?

-Tiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiime Skiiiiiiiiiiiiiiip-

Everyone was bullying Harry because he was competing in the tournament. After talking to him, you knew that he didn't put his name in that Goblet. But just who put it in there?

-Tiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiime Skiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiip-

You had DADA (Defense Against the Dark Arts) class today. It was our first of the year. Our new teacher was Professor Alastor Moody. He was a bit creepy. He had this fake eye that moved around and had scars all over his face. Anyway he had quite the introduction. 

He then asked what the three unforgivable curses are. He asked Ron, so we were shown the Imperius curse. He got a creepy spider thing and was forcing it to do things. It was jumping person to person. It went onto Draco's face. He went pale and started freaking out. It was rather funny. It came to the front of Sophia. She grabbed my arm and mummbled something about how the bad spririts are after her or something. Then the professor bought it back to him and asked for another curse. He brang Neville to the front and started the cruciatus curse. Neville started squirming and looked absoluty horrible.

"Stop! Can't you see it's bothering him! Stop." You shouted. Professor Moody brang the bug to the front of you.

"Perhaps, you could give us the last curse Miss L/n." You shook your head. "No. Avada Kedavra!" You looked straight ahead ignoring the fact that he just killed a innocent livig thing in front of you. 

You immidiantly left the classrom as soon as the lesson ended.Neville was standing in the stairs. Looking into nowhere. He looked traumitised. You went to the great hall and sat down to eat your lunch.

Everyone was talking  about the first task. That was in about a week. Sophia kept looking over towards the Gryffindor table at Harry. Again Surely that was nothing. I hope.


Hello. So we have a bit of a short chapter but I couldn't put too much in this chapter. Thanks for reading and hope that you are enjoying this story! I have some extreme plans for the Yule Ball!!!!!! Anyway, thank you again for reading. I haven't posted in a while but I have had a bit of a busy week. Anyway.......Bye Ducklings!

-Your Author ❤

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