24- Love Pentagon

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You have had a few confusing weeks. Cedric's been acting more flirty towards you. Which is just weird. Fred has kept smiling at me, which is extremely confusing! Alex has been staring at me again recently. I thought he had forgotten about me as I hadn't seen him in a while but then he came and sat next to me at breakfast last week. Draco and I have been really close lately. The four of them are confusing the hell out of me.

I walked into the great hall. I looked around the room. Cedric at the hufflepuff smiled up at you. Fred at the Gryffindor table gave you a smile and a thumbs up. Draco at the Slytherin Table gave me a wink and a genuine smile, not a smirk, surprisingly. Alex at the front of the room gave you a wave and a smile. Why are these boys doing this to you? Why are they all suddenly being so nice to you? Cedric and You were really close friends and you never thought it could be more. Fred is your ex-boyfriend, he hated me, what changed? Draco and You always had a flirty relationship and you do really like him and he's always been like this but he just seems more nicer. You always thought Alex was a bit creepy but he seems different. You didn't know what was going on but you kind of liked all of them.

All of them waved you over to their table. You went to sit with Draco since he was at your house's table.

"Hey what's up Dray."

"Noot much you Y/n."

"I'm good."

You ate your breakfast and went to class with Draco

-Tiiiiiiiiiiiime Skiiiiiiip-

You were walking in the courtyard alone when Cedric approached you.

"Hey Pretty Boy what's up?"

"Nothing much. I just wanted to ask if you maybe wanted to go to Hogsmeade with me tomorrow?"

's***. I hate rejecting people. This was awful.'

"Sorry but I'm busy all this week." You were lying as you just couldn't bring yourself to say no.

"Well that's ok. I'll just ask you again eventually."

He walked away. What did he mean I'll just ask you again?

You kept walking then bumped into Alex.

"Hey Alex."

"Hey Y/n. Just wondering."

"Yes." YOu knew what he was going to ask and it made you feel horrible.

"Do you want to go out with me tomorrow?"


"I'm really sorry. But I have a lot of things going on and I'm really busy." I literally have no life but I can't refuse another date.

"That's fine. Just thought I'd ask. But come find me when you change your mind."

"Ok then. I will."

He walked away. I don't think that I'll change my mind at all. Anyway. You saw Fred and he approached you.

'S*** no. He better not talk to me! That turd can f*** off!'

"Hey Y/n."

"Uhh...hiiii Fred."

"Listen, I'm really sorry about how I reacted about that whole situation. It was wrong of me to get that mad."

"It's uh...it's ok."

"Good because I was wondering if you maybe wanted to.......get back together perhaps?"

'S***! I have no interest in getting back together with this two faced b****. Although we had a really fun relationship together. I don't know if this is the best time for me.'

"I'm really sorry Freddie. But I don't know if this is the best time for me right now. But I would love to be on good terms.."

"Of course! It doesn't matter, just thought I'd ask. Anyway yeah I would love to be friends with you Y/n."

You hugged Fred and continued on your way.

-Tiiiin Skiiiiiippy-

I walked back into the Slytherin common room. I saw Draco so I went and sat down with him.

"Hey Dray! How was your day."

"Hi Y/n, good how was yours."

"Uhhh.....yeah got asked out a few times."

"Really? By who?"

"Uhh Cedric, Alex and Fred."


"He wanted to get back together but I said I just wanted to be friends right now."

"Oh ok. So are you just not into dating now or.....?"

"No just none of those guys I would see a happy relationship with."

"Yeah well I get it."

"Can you help me with the Charms work?"

"Yeah of course."

-Tiiiiiiiiime Skiiiiiiiiiiippy-

You and draco did some studying. You needed help with Charms and he needed help with History of Magic.(I don't know if Draco was good at History Of Magic or not.) You just sat there a little longer and watched the flames in the fire.

You sat there then realized it was almost 12 so you turned to say bye to Draco. You turned to him and smiled. He returned it. LIke a genuine smile which is not usual for a Malfoy.

"I should go to bed now."

"I should too."

You stare at each other and then notice him slowly move in. What the hell, why not? You pulled him in and kissed him.

You pulled away after a few minutes and stood up. You reached down and moved his hair out of his face. You cupped his cheek and smiled down at him.

"Goodnight Malfoy."

"Goodnight rL/n."

You walked up the stairs to your room. Why did he do this to you, It's like he has a power over you that makes you go crazy? You had just gotten into a little love pentagon today. Out of all those boys. You knew Draco was the best. I mean Draco cares. He's 'Always There' (Hehe!) You didn't know if he felt the same though. You didn't want to break your own heart by telling him and then him not feeling the same. If only this could be easier.


Thank You for reading everyone! And I hoped you enjoyed it!

If you have any plot suggestions let me know! I'll consider all options! If you want some kind of character named after you, let me know the name you want and the kind of story and I'll consider it!

Bye Diggories

-Your Author

1016 Words

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