9-Christmas Eve

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It was Christmas Eve Eve. You were going to be staying at Hogwarts since your parents are still in Australia. They said they might be able to come over for new year's. I really hope they come! Anyways Draco is also staying here so we can spend the day together. Harry, Ron, Fred and George are also staying so we have a good group for our day. We were all discussing Draco and I staying in the Gryffindor rooms that were empty so we could all wae up together on christmas morning. Professor McGonagall said that it would be ok. 

We were going to have a christmas feast in the great hall. We all bought each other presents. Even Draco bought them all presents. He didn't want to go home and deal with his Father. I understand. I've met Lucius and he can be quite a handful. Narcissa is lovely though and always makes me feel welcome. They have a christmas ball but Draco refused to go. I was invited but since Draco isn't going, I decided I would just go to the new years one instead. I was waling around Hogsmeade looking for some last minute small gifts for my friends. I have bought all the main presents but I decided to get them all a little stocking stuffer. I was really excited for them to all open my gifts!

We had this week off so I spent the rest of my day wrapping all the presents. I brang them all to the Gryffindor room. We had a tree in there and that's where we would all open our presents on Christmas Morning.

-Tiiiiiiiiime Skiiiiiiiiiiiip-

-Christmas Eve-

We had a Christmas Eve feast. It was very grand and fancy. We all dressed up kkind of fancy and sat at the Gryffindor table. I was very surprised when Draco agreed to spend christmas with Gryffindors, in the Gryffindor common room and sit at the Gryffindor table. I guess he just wanted to be with people on christmas. He never received much love at home but He got along with the twins and if he needed to I would make him get along with Harry and Ron. 

(Your Christmas Eve outfit-Change what you like)

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(Your Christmas Eve outfit-Change what you like)

After the feast you all went to the Gryffindor rooms. You all got changed into matching christmas pyjamas. Even Draco was matching.

They were reindeer onesies...

They were reindeer onesies

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(Change what you like)

After you all changed, everyoone sat in the Gryffindor common room. You lied this common room. It was cozy and felt like home. The slytherin one was dark and cold but you still prefered the Slytherin one. 

Ron and Harry were playing wizards chess. George, Fred, Draco and I were watching the game. I was going for Ron, so was Draco-he still doesn't like Harry very much. Fred and George were going for Harry as they wanted their little brother to lose. Ron ended up winning. Harry was improving but Ron had been playing longer. 

We were drinking Hot Chocolate (Or Hot cocoa-I say Hot Choccie) and sitting around the fire together. I was leaning on Fred. George and Ron were on the ground. harry was sitting next to be and Draco was sitting in an armchair. We were talking, laughing and playing truth or dare. It was quite an interesting game. We were all getting tired and eventually all went up to the rooms.

-Tiiiiiiiiiiiiime Skiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiip-

-Chriiiiiiiiiiistmas Day-

I woke up to people shouting my name. I climbed out of bed and opened the door. I looked down into the common room to find everyone gathered around the tree waiting for me. I ran down and hugged veryone. I kissed Fred and sat down next to him, my hand on his knee.

-Draco's Pov-

Y/n came downstairs. Of Course she looked perfect even though she had just woken up. She hugged everyone. When she came to me a whispered in her ear."Merry Christmas Love." Then she smiled and kissed Fred. I looked away. Even though I'm with Pansy, which I need to end. I've been leading that girl on. I felt bad but I don't even think she likes me anymore. I still loved Y/n. She was just my dream girl. She was perfect in everyway. I still think I did the right thing letting Fred have her but I do regret it. She had her hand on her knee. I wanted that to be ME, instead of Fred. Fred is a great guy but I just wish I could have Y/n instead. 'What is wrong with me' That girl is taken I really need TO MOVE ON! I need to listen to myself. Balise keeps telling me to let her go. He was the one that told me to ask out Pansy. Wish he didn't. That girl is possibly, the most annoying girl in the world. I just want Y/n


Hi, So we had christmas eve and the START of christmas day. Next Chapter will be the christmas feast etc. I think it's so cute that Draco still loves us (even though I made it that way) We will have to see what will happen with that. I'm going to to a big skip after New Years because I have some GREAT plans for Year 4! Anyway thanks for reading and hoped you enjoyed reading chapter 9! Bye Ducklings

-Your Author xx

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