6-Sophia's In Love

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Hi, sorry but I just wanted to say. I decided that this chapter is going to be more about Sophia. I love her so much. Yeah I know I said she kinda crazy but we do still love her. I'm going to try and show her crazy side here. I want her happy. Just a reminder that she kissed George Weasley! Just so you remember that. I know that I haven't brang in Buckbeak yet and I said that that class was on Monday but I'm going to have to postpone that a bit. I have some more stuff going on which is a bit more exciting but don't worry we will get Malfoy a broken arm!

-Your Author xx

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You woke up at around 7. You remembered last night and smile to yourself. (You know, you kissed Malfoy, then went on a date with Fred and kissed him too) You got dressed and went down to breakfast. Sophia wasn't here when you woke up so you assume she's already down there. 


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You walked down to the great hall. But Sophia wasn't sitting down with the group. I sure she's just studying in the library or something. You went to say a quick Hi to Fred and the others.

"Hi Freddie, Hey Guys....where's George?" You kissed Fred on the cheek but noticed George wasn't sitting there.

"Hey....Umm I don't know. he wasn't there when I woke up, so I'm not sure." Everyone else said Hi as well.

"What are you doing today." You sat down next to Fred.

"Well I have quidditch practice but then I'm free if you want to hang out." 

"Yeah I'd love to. Well uh anyway I need to go but I will see you later on and I will see the rest of you somewhere around." You hugged Fred but then e pulled you into a kiss. "Bye Guys."

You walked over to the Slytherin table and sat down.

"Woah did you just kiss Fred Weasley Y/n. Guess that date went well huh." Pansy was leaning across the table.

"Yeah....uh haha.....it was fun!" You smiled but noticed Draco glaring at you in disbelief. You glared back and focused on your food.

After a while Sophia showed up. "hey guys what did I miss." You looked at her and smiled but then noticed how she looked. She looked as though she hasn't slept in days and she was still wearing her pyjamas.

"Hey.....Woah what happened to you?" You examined her but threw some eggs on her plate.

"I just went to the library early and accidently fell asleep." You nodded and kept eating.

-Tiiiiiime Skiiiiip-

You walked back from breakfast and went to your room. Sophia left 10 minutes before you so you assumed she came back here. You walked in your room to be shocked by what you saw. You were really confused. Sofia was standing in the middle of the room. She had a mat and relaxing rain music playing. She was doing Tai Chi? She noticed you and immidiantly said.

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