20-After The Yule

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Hi so, let's just pretend that the Yule Ball wasn't on Christmas Eve that i was just on some random day chosen! Cool, cool. Bye Ducklings.


I woke up on the common room couch still in my dress from last night. I went to my room and found that it was empty. It was 6am and surely Sophia hadn't woken up yet. I went to the bathroom and the whole bathroom sink was a bright pink color. I knew that Sophia did something. I went over to her side of the room and found bags full of clothes. I looked in her wardrobe and their was basically no clothes left. I felt very confused. Sophia has done something and it probably has to do with her boyfriend kissing another girl last night. 

I decided to ask her when I found her and since she wasn't here, I got ready. 

By the time I finished getting ready and I cleaned all the pink out of the sink. I went to the great hall. It was around 8 by the time I got there. I saw our whole group sitting down together. I went to go to the Gryffindor table to say hi to Fred but relised that I can't do that anymore. I just went to the Slytherin table.

I sat next to Blaise with an empty spot next to me, that I was saving for Sophia.

"Hey Guys, how was your nights."

I got a lot of groans and slight nods which made me laugh. I looked next to me a t Blaise who I think was asleep and he had a pair of sunglasses on. 'Must of been a long night for him' Then suddenly I looked to the doors and Sophia was standing there. Sh ehad bright pink hair and was wearing all black. She had cut her hair into a bob with light waves. She looked like a different person.

Her hair looked like this

She walked over and sat down next to me

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She walked over and sat down next to me. I smiled at her and muttered."Explains the pink sink."


"Explains the pink sink, Our bathroom sink was covered in pink dye. I mean I now understand why and why all your colored clothes were in bags."

"I have no idea what your talking about. I am just bbeing myself." I gave her a look and she agave me a 'We'll talk later look'. 

I continued eating. I looked up and met eyes with Draco. It was really  awkward since we kissed last night. I didn't want to rush into a relationship since Fred and I just broke up last night. I pulled away and got up. As I stood up I met eyes with Fred. It was awkward. I hated him right now but he hated me. Sophia stood up with me. She met eyes with George. She smiled at him and flipped him off. She was mouthing something to him. I wasn't sure what, I was too focused on Fred.

-Sophia's Pov-

I was really upset. I decided to die my hair pink. I didn't need George, he was nothing to me. I needed to become a new person and leave that girl who loved George behind. I threw away all my colored clothes, I don't need happiness. All I had left was black and white. I wanted to change my appearence so I dies my hair. Why not? I look different. And that's a good thing. 

-Tiiiiiiiiiime Skiiiiiiiiiip-

I went down to the great hall knowing that everyone would question the new me. I walked down there and as I guessed all eyes were on me. I sat and ate with my friends. They all decided to move on from my new appearence and just forget about it. Y/n stood up and I got up with her. She looked really sad looking into Fred's eyes. I met eyes with George.

I Gave him a fake smile and flipped him off. He didn't deserve me. I am so much better off without him honestly. He was a d*** and I never really understood why I was with him. I mean we were so different and he was a Gryffindor. I never knew why Y/n dated Fred either. They were really different and we didn't always get along with Ron but because they were siblings, he was always around. I regret everthing. George. The Yule Ball. And letting Y/n date Fred. I mean she did something wrong too but he reacted the wrong way completly. She hasn't even spoken to Draco since last night. It's not like she'll jump right into a new relationship right away. I mean she might? Anyway, I gave him another smile and another bird and turned around and strutted away proudly with Y/n next to me.


Yoooo, what's up bois. Umm I'm normal I promise. Anyway hope you enjoyed the after yule and do you like the new hair? This book started off as a joke between me and my two friends but now I like really am enjoying writing. I try to post every second day and everyday if I can. Sometimes life just gets busy you know. Thanks for reading and hope you enjoyed!

Also I suggest looking at my friends book. It's really good so far. She's a good writer so I'm sure the other chapters will be great. If you have read the 3 Ottilie Colter's she has started writing her own version of the 4th one. So go read that! Her user is below! ❤❤❤               

@aussiestrawberry2 -Thsi her account so enjoy!

 Bye Ducklings 🦆🦆🦆

-Your Author ❤

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