5-First Date And Two Kisses

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Almost a week has passed since Sophia's kiss with George. She said that she regretted it and has been avoiding him at all costs. If he is in the great hall she makes me bring her food. I think she's being a little dramatic but anyway. It's Friday night and tomorrow I have my date with Fred. I'm so excited. I convinced Sophia to come to dinner. We put on our casual outfits and head upstairs.

(Change what you like, if you don't want this outfit)

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(Change what you like, if you don't want this outfit)

When you walked into the great hall you niticed that the rest of the group was there. You saw Fred and went to go say hi. 

"I'll just go say Hi to Fred ok."

"Yeah, ok." Sophia went over to sit on the Slytherin table.

You walked over to the Gryffindoor table. You glanced over at the Slytherin table and saw Draco staring at you. You glared at him and hugged Fred from behind.

"Hey, Y/n what're you doing."

"I just wanted to come and say Hi." You kissed his cheek.

"Do you want to eat dinner with us." He looked hopeful but you could see your friends from Slytherin looking over at you confused.

"Uhhh no, I would love to but maybe next time. I will see you tomorrow ok." You felt bad but your friends were waving you over.

"Yes, yes I will. Bye." He kissed your cheek and you walked away wishing you could stay. 

You walked to the Slytherin table and your whole group was staring at you confused. You sat down in between Blaise and Sophia. Draco was across from you next to Pansy who was all over him.

"Hey Guys, what's wrong." They continued to stare at you.

"What was all that about?" Pansy shreiked still holding on to Draco's arm while he kept trying to shake himself free.

"I just wanted to say hi to them." They all still looked at you confused.

"Is there.....um is there soomething going on with you and Weasley." Blaise leaned in closer to you making you uncomfortable. 

"Well.....haha umm....I mean I guess." They all were still staring at you. 

"You guess?" Great Goyle was now apart of the conversation.

"Well we have a date tomorrow. But I mean that's all." They all dropped the subject and continued eating but you looked at Draco who was giving you a glare of Disbelief. 

Pansy was still trying to flirt with Draco and tugging on his arm.

"WILL YOU LEAVE ME ALONE PARKINSON!" Draco snapped at her.

She got up, stamped her foot and stomped out of the hall. He looked down and continued eating his food. Everyone was trying to hold back laughs and I looked at Draco. He looked like he was trying not to laugh as well. 

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