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Sophia and I had have a rough couple of days. We both had broken up with our boyfriends. Sophia is still going through a rough patch with her whole black clothes with pink hair. She definatly had it worse. Things had just been incredibly awkward as I was still friends with the golden trio. We just couldn't hang out together cause Fred was always there. I tried to avoid him at all costs.

Sophia had grown a strong hatred towards Rubai. She wanted to kill her so we also had to avoid her. We were walking up the the astromeny tower to take a break from everything. We had a free period for the rest of the day. We were going to study a little and just relax after our crazy, rough and very emotional week. 

When we made it to the top we sat down and studied for about sn hour. Sophia got up and looked at the view. I followed her and we both stared at the view for a bit. 

Then the door opened and Rubai came in. Sophia was reaching for her wand. I stopped her and watched as Rubai approached us. 

"Hi, Y/n and Sophia."

"Don't talk to me."

"Ok well I was just trying to be nice."

"Well don't."

"Fine then, I won't."

Sophia grabbed her wand and shot a spell. Rubai fired on back and then the two were in a duel. I knew I couldn't stop this. Sophia had shot a spell and missed so the railings flew off. Sophia was walking back on Rubai and got right in her face. 

They were on the edge of the now non protected edge. There was no railing. Rubai was going to fall. Sophia walked more forward and she lost her footing and slid off. Rubai grabbed Sophia's hand and took her down with her. 

I Rushed to the edge and looked down. I saw them falling. A broom came and scooped Rubai up in the air. I saw another broom. It was the twins.

George had got Rubai. Fred was watching Sophia fall. He wasn't moving. I saw Sophia hit the ground and I ran like I never had before. I ran down and got to the bottom. Sophia was there. She had hit the ground hard.

I immidiantly started crying. Madam Phomfrey came running out and took her to the hospital wing. I went to run after her but then noticed Fred and George land. Fred looked at me. I can;t believe he didn't even flinch seeing Sophia fall. I marched up to him and slapped him.


"Why would I save her?"

"Because she is a person. I don't care if it is your exes best friend. You still save someone from falling!"

"I-I'm Sorry but I didn't know how to save her?"


"Sorry. I'm.....Sorry Y/n."

"I-I don't even care. You better hope that she didn't die or you will regret ever living."

With that you ran off towards the hospital wing. Sophia was immidiantly being taken care of. You saw her and saw that she was breathing. You were VERY relieved. 

You sat by her bed and grabbed her hand. Tears started to fall down your face. Sophia was your best friend and you couldn't live without her. She was always there for you and supported everthing you did. She never judged you. Never made fun of you. You didn't want anything to happen to her.

-Tiiiiiiiime Skiiiiiiiip-

You didn't leave the hospital at all. You had stayed in that chair for 2 days. Stayed there during the night, all day. You hadn't eaten. You were starving but didn't want to leave her side. Sophia hadn't woken up. You looked at her. She looked so peaceful. Like she doesn't know what's going on. 

You felt an arm grab your shoulder.

"Come on. You need to eat something." You knew who it was.

"I don't want to leave Draco."

"You need to. Come on. Let's go. You can come straight back. Just eat something and get some fresh air."


He grabbed your arm and didn't let go of you the whole way down to the great hall. You walked in and saw Fred at the Gryffindor table. Draco tightened his grip on you and sat you down at your table. 

You picked up an apple and took a small bite. You drank some water and calmed down a little. You were tired and weak. Draco put his arm around your shoulder and you leaned your head on his shoulder. You silently sobbed. You couldn't lose her.

-Tiiiiiiime Skiiiiiiiip-

You had ate as much as you could. Draco walked you back up to the Hospital still not letting you go.

"You know, you should go down to the slytherin rooms. Get a proper sleep."

"I don't want to leave her alone. What if she wakes up and no ones there?"

"I will let you stay, but only if I can stay with you."

"Ok. You can stay too."

"Ok then."

You went and sat down. Draco pulled a seat next to yours. You leaned on his shoulder and fell asleep. Soon after he did too.


Hello! I hope that you all enjoyed this chapter and enjoying the book. I think I've said this but this whole thing started as an entire joke between me and my besties. Then I really started to enjoy this and they really like reading it. Thank you for all the support of this book. Thank you for 0continuing to read it. I do really hope that you are enjoying this.

Bye Diggories

-Your Author

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