10-Christmas Day

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Hi quick thing to say. I forgot that Sophia is also here for christmas. Ooops but anyways she stayed with you too. So it is Fred, George, harry, Ron, Sophia, Draco and You. Haha anyways thanks xx


You all started to open presents. Everyone gave you such great gifts and you loved watching their reactions when they opened them.

(I will do a whole page on what you got for everyone and what you received from everyone.)

When it was time to open Draco's gift he came and sat across from you. He seemed really nervous. You opened the gift to find a beautiful necklace and a stunning pair of heels with snakes on them. 

"Oh Draco, you really shouldn't of . This is too much."

"It is no problem. Well do you like them?" 

"Yes, yes of course! Thank you so much." You leapt into his arms and he hugged you back.

-Draco's Pov-

She opened the presents I got her. She leapt into my arms. I immidiantly hugged her back....obviously. I loved hugging her. No no stop I can't feel like this. She is clearly happy with Fred and I have to respect that.

-Your Pov-

We all got ready. All the boys went into one room, Sophia and I went into a different room. You did your hair and make up. Then you both got dressed.

Your Haiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiir

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Your Haiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiir

Sophiiiiiiiiiiiiia's Haiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiir

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Sophiiiiiiiiiiiiia's Haiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiir

Sophiiiiiiiiiiiiia's Haiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiir

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Your make up

Sophiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiia's make up

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Sophiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiia's make up

Sophiiiiiiiiiiia's outfiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiit

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Sophiiiiiiiiiiia's outfiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiit

Sophiiiiiiiiiiia's outfiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiit

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Your Outfiiiiiiiiiiiiit

You walk downstairs and see everyone else. All the boys watch you two walk down the stairs. Sophia being Sophia falls down the stairs. (We still love her of course) George runs over to help her up. Fred grabs your hand and kisses it.

"What a gentleman." You say sacasticly and he laughs. You look at Draco and he's looking at you with sadness. You make a confused face and he looks away. Maybe he wasn't ok with letting me go? I'll ask him later. 

You all walk into the great hall and take a seat. You enjoy a grand feast. You all head back to your rooms. The three of you head back to the slytherin rooms and leave the gryffindors. Sophia heads to your room and you sit down next to Draco on the couch. 

"Hey, are you ok."

"Yeah, yeah. I'm fine."


"yes i'm fine."

"How's Pansy?"

"I have no idea."

"You didn't write her."

"No, was I supposed to."

"Aren't you her boyfriend. Didn't you write to ask if she liked your present or something."

"I was supposed to get her a present?" You laughed. "What is so funny?"

"You seriously didn't get your girlfriend a present."


"Ohhh Draco." You laughed uncontrollably."She is going to be maaaad."

"She, she is isn't she."


You sat there laughing uncontrollavbly imagining what Panssy is like right now.

-Draco's Pov-

She has such a beautiful laugh. No no stop! I just watched her laugh for a while. I wasn't worried about anything else. But her.

-Tiiiiiiiiiiime Skiiiiiiiiiiiiiiip-

Still Draco's Pov.

She had fallen asleep in my arms. I didn't want to wake her so I lied my self down so she could lie on my chest. I put a blanket on us and she snuggled into me. I loved her more than anything. She is making it very hard for me to move. I wasn't worried about how Pansy would be since I didn't get her a present. I will just break up with her next time I see her. I can't be with anyone while I was still in love with Y/n. I wish she was mine.


Hiiiii, Thanks for reading. Hope you enjoyed this chapter. It was a bit short but anyway. Next page will be a list of all the presents you gave and got. Do y'all want to see other pov's like Sophia's or Fred's? Just wondering. Anyway thanks again. Bye Ducklings.

-Your Author xx

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