2-Moment With Malfoy

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Sophia pulls you all the way to the dungeons. You notice how much colder it is down here. She stops at the wall and says the password which is 'Pureblood' Even though I'm pureblood myself that word still makes me cringe. My Father always said 'In your life always avoid those damn Mudbloods, never trust them only trust the Purebloods.' You grew up with those words but at your old school your best friend, Ella was a half-blood herself and your Father never had a problem with her only the Mudbloods. 

"So what do you think. I know it's pretty dark and cold but you'll get used to it." I looked around as Sophia talked. I liked it. I didn't like light very much so I felt quite comfortable. 

"I actually really love it. Um so where is my room. I'm exhausted!" I yawned.

"Haha I'm glad you like it and actually I have my own room and because you're a transfer the only dorm that has enough room is mine! So I guess you'll be rooming with me." I smiled. I'm glad Sophia is my roomie. We'll have so much fun! 

"Or you could room with me. I have a single room too." You heard a voice from across the common room and looked over only to sigh at the face behind the voice.

Before you speak, Sophia walked towards him. "Shut Up Malfoy! As if you toad! She wouldn't want to room with you in a million years."

"Hmmm really, well what do you think L/n (Your Last Name). Maybe you have a different opinion." Malfoy gave you a smirk. It was almost hard to say no to that face.

"Haha no no I think I'll stick with Soph. But uhh thanks for the offer? I guess?" You walked over next to Sophia.

He smirked again. "Huh most girls would've said Yes but anyway let me know when you change your mind and come running back to me." He smirks and back out of the room leaving you with a wink. 

You take a deep breathe and turn to Soph (This is Sophia's Nick Name For Now...Unless you have a better one...I dunno?) "So where is our room?" You smile. Your exhausted from the flight over here especially because you had to use the stupid Muggle planes. 

"Oh here, here just up these stairs and down this hall." She points to a door with beautiful snake engravings that look just magical.

"Ok Great, what's in the the doors." You ask pointing to the dark hallway full of doors. 

"Well some of these are other rooms some are empty. Some are like study rooms and sitting areas and well that door across from ours is Malfoy's room." The hallway was a long dark hallway with about 15 or 20 doors. Your room was at the end of the Hall with Draco's room I guess. 

"Uhh right well nice."You opened the door to reveal a beautiful black and green aesthetic room. 

(Imagine what you like but I imagine this kind of color scheme

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(Imagine what you like but I imagine this kind of color scheme. Imagine what you like, I don't mind)

You went straight away put your pj's on and crawled into bed. "Thank You so much Soph for helping me settle in today, I really appreciate it." You smiled at her.

"Aww you're gonna make me cry. I really appreciate the fact that you want to be friends with me." I guess she never really got along with any other Slytherins. 

"Good Night Soph" You closed your eyes.

"Night Y/n and I oh I see you're already asleep." You had drifted off straight away and fell into a deep, deep sleep. 

-Tiiiiime Skip-

You woke up and checked the time. 'Uhhhhh 1am' You got up and decided to go read in the common room. You grabbed your favourite book (Whatever that is) and curled up on the leather couches and taking a look at the beautiful fire still blazing away. You just wanted to stay here forever. You were so relaxed when you were disturbed by the last person that you wanted to see.

"You know you shouldn't be here, it's 1am." 

"Huh then what are you doing here?" You turned to look at a smirking Malfoy.

"Just couldn't sleep, you?" He walked over and sat on the coffee table in front of you.

"Me too. I just feel homesick. It's......It's well just weird being in a different place." He leaned forward a little as if he wanted to hear more. "Yeah, well anyway you probably don't care. Huh."

"No, no It's ok......you can talk to me." He had kindness in his eyes and I couldn't pull myself to look away from his grey eyes pouring into mine. He gave me a small smile and sighed.

"I umm always struggled to sleep. When I went to school in Australia, I umm.....well the girls there bullied me and if I slept they would do something to me and if I ate they would've do something to the food. I just stopped eating and sleeping and eventually I.....started skipping class to avoid the humiliation of them. I had to get out of there after the teachers started to side with the girls. The boys sided with them and I just left. I couldn't do it anymore." By now I was in tears. I kept telling him more and more and I just wouldn't shut up.

He leaned in more and put his hands on my knees. I looked up at him.

-Draco's Pov-

I felt horrible listening to this. She kept talking for about 10 minutes. She was so hurt and I just wanted to hug her. I thought that she would reject me if I tried so I just put my hands on her knees awkwardly. She looked at me confused. I just awkwardly smiled and she laughed. I felt stupid. 

"I umm...should go but I will always be here if you need ok. Yeah but I gotta keep my reputation right."

She laughed at this. I loved her laugh. I couldn't fall for her. No......Could I? Anyway no I.....needed to get out of here before  I did something stupid.

-Back To Your Pov-

"I......know. Wouldn't want your precious reputation to be lost. And..............thank you. Your not as bad as I thought." I laughed and he put a genuine smile on his face.

"I wouldn't make that judgement right away...................Anyway..........See ya round L/n."

And with that he left. Leaving me. I wanted to run after him but no I shouldn't. I walked back to my room and went back to bed. I went to sleep and had the best sleep I've had in a long time.



So I hoped you liked this chapter. I wasn't sure what to do. Anyway do you like other people's pov? I just threw that in there, thought i'd give it a go. Anyway, I was wondering if anyone had some suggestions for other chapters such as other romantic interests? I have a few ideas but I'm not totally sure. So yeah let me know. I'm having a lot of fun writing and I will definitely continue.

Byyyyye See y'all next chapter!

-Your Author xx

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