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I woke up. It was 7am and I decided to get ready. I had a shower and then dried my hair with a spell. Today was your first day and you needed to make a good impression on the teachers. You put your hair up in a messy bun and chose your outfit. (Your outfit is below, change it, it doesn't matter.)

(Change it, I really don't mind

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(Change it, I really don't mind.)

You walked down to breakfast and saw Pansy sitting alone. Since you guys didn't really get to talk you go and sit with her. 

"Hey Pansy right."

"oh Hey, yeah and your y/n."

"Haha yes. We didn't really meet properly so I though I'd come and get to know you."

"Oh ok well what do you want to know?"

You guys talked for a while until everyone else started to turn up. Blaise and Sophia came over followed by Draco, 'Hmmm Draco no no stop it Y/n, don't do that' and Crabbe and Goyle. I stared into those grey eyes and it felt like my entire world disappeared and it was just Him and I. 'No no stop it'. 

"Morning, Zabini, Haloy, Parkinson, Uhhh L/n. Blaise smirked. Huh why did Draco hesitate before saying my name. I'm sure it's nothing. Pansy clearly was love sick for Draco because as soon as he came she went all giddy and well tried to be cute. He looked like he brushed her off but I still couldn't help feeling jealous. I started talking with Blaise as he asked about Australia. 

"Well yeah, I've always wanted to go there."

"Oh well it is amazing but I would highly suggest not going there during the summer it is unbelievably hot but you should definably go. "

"yeah where do you suggest?"

"Well Sydney is great, definitely go to Bondi Beach and the Harbour Bridge...." As I went on suggesting places I could feel a pair of eyes burning the side of my face. I looked in the direction of the eyes and was met with the Grey eyes pouring into mine. 

-Draco's Pov-

I was trying to get Pansy off me when I looked at Y/n. She was talking to Blaise and well......I admit feeling Jealous. She seemed interested in the conversation. He was too. They were staring at each other but I wanted her to look at me! I just stared at her. Waiting for her to look away. Look at her laughing and touching his shoulder. How dare she have a good time with him. She's just looking at me and-whoa whoa she's looking at me. WHAT DO I DO? I stared at her but I had to pull away. I looked away and immediately regretted it.

-Back To Your Pov-

He looked away. Great. All I wanted to do was look at his eyes but now he's devoted all his attention to Pansy who was drooling all over him. I couldn't stare at him eating up the attention she was giving to him. I stood up and left. I felt the grey eyes burning the back of head. I turned around to meet the eyes. Before he could look away I decided it was my turn. I pulled away and walked away feeling like turning back around but I couldn't. 

I walked out of the great hall and immediately bumped into something. 

"Oh I'm so sorry"

"No no It's ok."

"Your Y/n right, I'm Fred, Fred Weasley and this is my twin George." He had a warm smile. I returned it.

"Yes, It's nice to meet you Fred and You too George. So twins huh."

"Yep all our life it's been Fred and George. We do everything together really. And we LOVE pranks." George said.

"Haha well I would suggest not pranking me, I have a bad temper. But I would love to help you prank someone sometime."

"OMG really that would be great."

"Haha would be fun. Anyway Sorry but it's gonna take a while before I can tell you two apart."

"No no It takes a long time for most. Even our own Mother can't."

"I'm sure that's not true."

"It sometimes is."

"Haha, umm sorry I wish I could stay and talk but I have to go to potions and I forgot my books in my room so I should go."

"Of course it was nice meeting you." They said together

"You too. I'll see you later Freddie and Georgie."

I turned around but when I looked back over my shoulder I met eyes with Fred. I smiled and He returned it. Huh he was kind of cute.

Hi Guys,

Sorry for the short chapter but I didn't have much time. I brought Fred and George in and I though I would make a new love interest for you. Malfoy's gonna be maaaad! Anyway Thanks for reading and I won't most till tomorrow or Friday.(It's Wednesday night for me now) I was thinking of making a love interest for Sophia, what do you think? I will most a lot now but then later I might stop for a while so don't come for me. Haha anyway Byyyye!

-Your Author xx

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