11-New Years Eve

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For New Yeears you are going to the Malfoy Ball. You were really excited. The weasley's ended up being invited so was Sophia, Pansy, Blaise and Draco would be there. Pansy was furious at Draco but before she could do anything, he wrote her a letter breaking up with her. I think that it was a little rude to break up with someone over a letter but it was Malfoy and he's not good with 'Feelings'. I was glad they broke up. I don't know why though.

You were getting ready there with Sophia and then you would spend the night at the Malfoy's. You haven't seen Fred since the day after Christmas. You had been staying with Sophia. Her parents were really nice and had let you stay with them, they welcomed you very warmly. 

You and Sophia had gone shopping for your dresses a couple of days before. You were now going to the Malfoy's to get ready. You travelled by Floo powder.

"Hey, you guys." Malfoy was standing by the fireplace. His mother and father came in and they both rushed over to you.

"Hello Dears, we were wondering when you would come."

"Hello Mrs Malfoy, thank you for letting us get ready here." You hugged her and shaked Lucius's hand. he gave you an awkward nod. "Mr Malfoy. How are you?"

"Very well thank you Miss L/n."

"Well you too should get ready, Draco honey lead the girls to their room please."

Draco led you two upstairs and into a room. It was very spacious. 
"Here you are. The bathrooms through there."

"Thank you Dray." He smiled at the nickname Dray.

"No problem. I'll leave you two to get ready. I'll come back in two hours to bring you down to the party."

He left and you two started to get ready.

You did your hair.....

Sophiiiiiiiiia's haiiiiiiiiiiir

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Sophiiiiiiiiia's haiiiiiiiiiiir

Sophiiiiiiiiia's haiiiiiiiiiiir

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Your Haiiiiiiiir

You then did your make up......

You then did your make up

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