4-Potions Class

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You walked down to Snape's classroom. You had forgotton your books in your room, so you had to run back and get them. You hoped that you weren't running late on your first day. You were running and when you walked in, Snape wasn't there yet so you made it just in time. You sat down next to Sophia. The seat on your left was empty and you hoped that it would stay that way. (Wow that gives away what will happen 😬) Suddenly the door slams and Snape swiftly moves into the classroom. 'It's like he's floating' He turns around directly looking into your eyes. 

"Welcome to Miss L/n. I was told that you were quite the student in Australia." He keeps a cold stone face expression the whole time he spoke.

"Uhh Yes, yes. I enjoyed potions quite a lot." You felt awkward and didn't know what to say. 

"Well good. Now tell me, What are the ingredients in the polyjuice potion."

"Umm Yes. Well first Lacewing flies which are stewed for 21 days, Then Leeches, Powdered bicorn, Knotgrass, Fluxweed that is picked at full and Shredded Boomslang."

"Yes that is correct Miss L/n. Now today class-MR MALFOY WILL YOU BE QUIET! Now get up and move away from Mr Crabbe and Mr Goyle. Where is an empty seat. Uhhh yes here please sit next to Miss L/n."

'Uhhh seriously why me'

"Haha yes professor. Sorry my apoligies."

"That is quite alright Mr Malfoy. Now sit and BE QUIET!"

Draco came and sat next to you. He smirked but you just rolled your eyes and gave him a soft shove. He laughed but you just carried on listening to the professor. You were learning about the basic potion brewing.

"Now you will be brewing an aging potion. Now this is quite an advanced potion. I do not expect a perfect potion. Now I will put you in partners."

'I hope I get to work with Sophia'

"Crabbe and Parkinson

Goyle and Zabini

Parkinson and Granger

(Different Hogwarts members get paired up)

Haloy and Weasley

'Oh no Sophias with Weasley. That only leaves me and-'

"Malfoy and L/n, alright class get to work."

You started to get the ingrediants and all the resources and went back to the bench to start. You started following the directions. You felt eyes looking at you. You turned to face Malfoy.

"Can I help you?"

"No no just waiting for you to finish."

"You know you could help."

"Mmm no I'm ok."

'What a douche.'

"Here cut these. I heard that you are actually good at potions."

"Uhh fine, fine."

"Honestly, complain much." You said under your breath but still loud enough for him to just here you.

"Sorry, What did you say."

"You heard me, now keep working." He rolled his eyes and you smiled to yourself.

-Tiiiiiiime Skiiiiiip-

Lunch Time-

You walked into the Great Hall for dinner to see Sophia sitting alone. 

"Hey, hey how ya doin." You smiled at her but she just sighed.

"Wh...What's wrong Soph."

"Noth....Nothing, I'm just tired. Stupid Weasley made me do all the work and then added the wrong ingrediant then blamed it on me."

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