19-The Yule Ball

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We walked into the Ball and it was stunning! We were going to have a lot of fun! The champions came in with their dates. Cedric passed and gave me a smirk. I smiled back. He was with Cho Chang. She was nice. (Don't hate me but I for real hate that B****) She looked gorgeous. (She looked like a ****-just me ok then. YTB back me up here!) I hope Cedric had fun tonight. (PBD) Then Victor came in. He had Hermione on his arm. She looked amazing and I can't believe she got a date with Victor Krum! Harry then came in. He looked at Sophia sadly and she returned the look. Ok there's is definestly something going on there that I don't know about! They did their dance. Which Harry was Crap at. We then joined them all. I was dancing with Fred having the time of my life. 

We danced for a while then got tired so we sat down. The food was delicious! We all enjoyed our meal and talked a lot. Then it was back to dancing. 

-Tiiiiiiiiiiiiiime Skiiiiiiiiiiiip-

We were all dancing to a very loud song. I needed to get out of that room. It was way too loud. Sophia was sitting alone and I wondered where George was. I thought that I'd go to her once I got some fresh air. 

I went up to the astromeny tower and noticed I wasn't alone.

"Draco, what are you doing here?"

"Oh, I needed soem fresh air and it was really loud in their." I agreeded. We stood close to each other looking at the view. We could here the music but were too happy looking at the view to move. 

I then looked at Draco and he looked back.

"You look beautiful tonight Y/n."

"Thank you, you look very handsome."

He offered his hand and I laughed and took it. We started waltzing around the tower. We stopped cm away from each others face. He looked in my eyes and leaned in. I didn't stop him but I kissed back. But I didn't regret this kiss and I wasn't worried about Fred. I was happy in this moment.

I pulled away and smiled. He smiled a genuine smile back. 

"Come on L/n we should head back down."

We walked down the stairs. Rubi came over to us and grabbed Draco by the arm and led him away. I didn't want him to lead. I saw Fred standing by the door looking angry. I went up to him.

"hey wh-"

"Why did you kiss Draco?"

"What, Fred I-"


"Fred, I'm sorry, I didn't mean too, I just-"

"OH, well then that's ok. If you didn't mean too."

"Don't be sarcastic Freddie."I 

"No. Don't tell me what to do."


"I thought we were happy."

"We were happy."

"Then why did you kiss him?"

"I didn't mean too-"

"Is it because I'm not a slytherin? Or that I don't have his charm or his looks!"

"It' none of that-"

"Is it because I'm not rich. Well I'm sorry if I'm poor but that doesn't give you the right to cheat on me."


"No, just stop." Tears were streaming down your cheeks. "I-I can't look at you."

"Fred don't go."

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