25-Second Task

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Today was the second task. It was really exciting. Sophia had been worrying about Harry all week and then last night she disappeared. I guess she just didn't want to watch the task out of fear.

We were standing on these big platforms in the middle of the black lake. I was standing next to Draco. It was really cold and I forgot my jacket in my room. It was REALLY cold!

"Here, have this."

Draco handed you one of his hoodies.

"Oh no that's ok."

"No. You are shivering, just take it."

You smiled and took it. You put it over your head and immediately felt warmer.

Cedric landed on the platform and you went to wish him good luck.

"Good Luck Pretty Boy. Don't die! I'm not ready to see you die in front of me."

"Haha I'll try not to. I'm not ready to die at all."

You gave him a hug and a kiss on the cheek.

"Make me proud Pretty Boy."

"I'll try too."

You gave him a smile and turned and walked away. You gave him a thumbs up as you reached yours spot. He gave you a slight wave and a wink.

The cannon went off and Cedric jumped in. You grabbed Draco's hand and held it tightly.

"Hey, it's ok."

"I know. Im just nervous.

-Tiiiiiime Skiiiiiip-

Fleur came out of the water but had not completed the task.

Cedric came out with Cho Chang. I didn't like her, I mean she's nice but I don't really get along with her. (In real life I have a strong hatred towards Cho. She's a b****) I couldn't help feel jealous. I mean obviously I don't have feelings towards Cedric like that but I can't control this feeling of jealousy. I went up to him to give him my congratulations.

"Good Job Pretty Boy. Thanks for not drying."

"Hey, thanks. Uh no problem, anytime. I promise I wont die on you anytime soon."

"Good, come here Diggory." You went to give him a hug but he pulled back and gasped dramatically.

"Woah no more Pretty Boy?" He had his hand over his heart pretending to be hurt.

"Sorry Pretty Boy!" He laughed and pulled you into a hug. He kissed the top of your head. You looked behind him and Cho was glaring at you. I thought she had something with Harry. Anyways she must be with Cedric now.

"Awww I love you Y/n."

"Haha I love you too Pretty Boy." Cho was dead staring at you now. 'What was her problem?'

You walked back over to Draco and stood waiting to see when HArry and Victor would come up.

Victor burst out of the water with Hermione. 'I didn't know they were together either. I thought she had a thing with Ron?'

Harry hadn't come out of the water yet. Suddenly a little girl burst out of the water. Fleur's little sister. But where was HArry's person?

Then Sophia came out of the water. You grabbed Draco's hand and led him over to the platform she was swimming to.

She made it and Draco and I pulled her out. I wrapped her in a towel as she was sitting. I sat behind her and hugged her. Draco sat next to me and hugged me and Sophia. I was surprised and so was Sophia but we just hugged back. He realized what he did and pulled away embarrassed. You put a hand on his that was sitting on his leg. You didn't look at him but you could feel his smirk.

"Are you ok Sophia?"

"Yeah. We were under there for a long time though."

"Well you're safe now."

"But HArry hasn't come out yet."

As soon as she said that he jumped out. I can't believe he rescued two people. Yet he did come third.

-Tiiiiiiime Skiiiiiiiiip-

Luckily he ended up coming first with Cedric. I gave Cedric another hug and gave one to Harry.

Alex was standing with Victor and he waved me over.

"Hey I'll meet you back in the common room ok."

"Yeah ok." Draco and Sophia walked away and I made my way to the DUrmstrang boys.

"Hey Victor. Good Job today."

"Hey thanks. Y/n right."

"Yeah that's right."

"Haha heard non stop about you from Alex here."

"Shut Up Vik."

"Haha don't worry about it. Its ok."

You gave Viktor a hug and then gave Alex a quick one.

"Well I told my friends I'd meet them in the common room so I should get going. It's quite the walk."

"Oh ok Bye Y/n."

"Bye Alex."

"Bye Y/n it was nice seeing you."

"You too and again good job."

You walked back to the common room and met with your friends. We all studied and then went to bed. You were excited for your day tomorrow since you had no classes at all!


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