7-Date With Malfoy

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You woke up at around 7:30. You needed to get ready beacause today you had Care Of Magical Creatures with Hagrid. You liked Hagrid but you never really talked to him for long. Just the occasional Hi's when you pass in the hallways or outside on the grounds. You didn' even know what to expect for this lesson.

You got dressed in your uniform (below) and put your hair in a messy bun.

You got dressed in your uniform (below) and put your hair in a messy bun

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(We all know what I'm going to say. I don't even think I need to say it) In case you don't know what I mean......YOU CAN CHANGE ANYTHING IF YOU DON'T LIKE IT! Yeah......keep reading!

You walked down to the great hall. You grabbed some toast. There was one green apple left so you took it.

"Hey Y/n. How are you-woah hold on."

"What is it?"

"There are no green apples left."

"Yeah I took the last one."

"Y-you t-took the last one."

"Yes, is that ok."

He was sniffling like he was crying." Yeah it is fine." he stormed out of the great hall. 'Weirdo'

-Tiiiiiiiiiiiime Skiiiiiiiiiiiip-

You were walking to care of Magical Creatures with Sophia. You were still really happy about the fact her and George are together. Hagrid led you all to this paddock.

"I-uhh have a surprise for yeez all." He moved aside to reveal a Hippogriff!? "Now does anyone know what he is."

"A Hippogriff." You got in before Granger. You oved Hermione but loved it when you answered a question in stead of her.

"Excellant. Correct Miss L/n. 5 points to Slytherin. This is Buckbeak!"

Everyone stayed back from the creature. Hagrid kept talking about how you don't want to insult. Yeah, yeah I wasn't really interested. Malfoy made some comment about the books and Harry told him to Shut up. He walked up to Harry but then acted all scared and yelled out.

"Dementor, Dementor!" I knew he wasn't serious. Harry went all pale and everyone turned around. Malfoy went back to his friends. They all put their hoods up and 'Ooooooo' You must admit it was funny but still you didn't join in. You did have a small smile one your face but got rid of it when Draco looked at you. It was like he was checking that you thought he was funny.

Harry ended up on Buckbeak's back and was flying around. Malfoy looked mad. Well he always looks mad but he never looked this mad. You remembered something.

"Oi Malfoy, You were upset that I took the last apple so here. i stole you a few from the kitchen." He looked so happy. He took an apple and gave you a smile. He walked back to his goons.

Harry came back down and Malfoy tried to prove a point. He walked up to Buckbeak and clearly insulted it.

"Malfoy NO!" You screamed at him but it was too late. He had been scratched by Buckbeak.'Honestly this boy' 

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