23-Prefect's Bathroom

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Hehe! S you should not have told me this! I told you I would write this!


It was a couple of weeks until the second task. No one knew if they had solved it but I didn't really care that much. I knew that Sophia would be worried. And that was true. She had kind of healed but she said she wanted somewhere private where no one would disturb her. I had an idea as Cedric had told me about since he was a prefect. I walked up to Cedric.

"Oi Pretty Boy!" I had started calling him pretty boy as a nickname. He said he hated it but I knew he liked it.

"Oh hi Y/n. What's up?"

"Nothing just....can you let me and Sophia into the prefect's bathroom please."

"I uhh don't know if I should."

"Please....she needs to relax after everything. Please. For me? Otherwise I'll never talk to you again!"

"Fine....but only for you."

"Yes! Thank you! You are the best!!!" I kissed his cheek and pulled him up. I got Sophia and then Cedric let us into the bathroom.

"Here you go Sophia. You can sit in this bath and forget about everything."

"Thanks Y/n. What are you going to do?"

"I'm just going to look at the view from that window for a second but you just relax."

"Ok...thanks again."

"No...don't worry about it. Anything for you."

Sophia got into the bath. I had brang her swimmers (She is not taking a bath bath!) I didn't bring any for myself since I didn't have anything to take my mind off. Except maybe the fact that I am still furious and Fred Weasley and Draco and I are in an awkward stage right now. I mean I like him, he likes me but is it too soon? I don't know!

-Sophia's Pov-

I sat in the bath and closed my eyes. I was kind of hidden behind a corner so no one could see me. I was so thankful Y/n got us in here. I really want her to be happy too though. She says she's fine but Fred and her keep staring at each other and her and Draco are REALLY awkward. The tension in the room with those two is a lot.

It had been a few minutes when I heard someone get in the water. I turned around the corner to see Harry getting in. He went underwater so I swam closer to him. He came out and I was about a metre away from him.

"S***! Sophia you scared me."

"Sorry I didn't mean too."

"It's ok."

He stared into my eyes. He swam closer and kissed me. It took me by shock. He just swam up and kissed me. We were still kissing when the door opened. I didn't hear it since I was....well distracted.

"Oh f*** sorry guys." Cedric was standing there. He had seen us kissing.

"I then looked over and Y/n was leaning in the doorway.

"S***! You guys know that you were kissing for like 5 minutes. I didn't want to ruin the moment but I told Cedric we'd get out of here a couple minutes ago."

"You know what Y/n. Let's leave these two alone for a bit longer." Cedric put his arm around my shoulders.

"You know what. You're right Cedric. Let's give the lovebirds a few more minutes."

We ran out of the bathroom together with Cedric next to me still with his arm around me. We were puffed and stopped outside the bathroom. I looked up to see Draco. He looked heartbroken. I then realized Cedric's arm was still around me. He noticed it too and dropped it.

"Hey Draco. Can we-"

"No. Not now."

Draco stormed off. A tear slid down my face. The poor boy probably thought I was like Cedric right now. I ran after him.

I had lost him. I wanted to find him but thought that I'd just wait in the common room for him. So I sat there and waited for dRaco to return.


So I hoped we enjoyed this one. If you have any suggestions please let me know in the comments or message me on my account. Thanks for reading!

Bye Diggories

-Your Author

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