29- Recovering

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I woke up early in the  morning.

"Good Morning." I heard a deep voice speak. I didn't remember going to sleep last night so how did I end up in my dorm?

"Mmm morning Draco."

"Uhh haha it's Fred."

"Oh god. I'm sorry, just we are in the Slytherin dorms and Draco usually wakes me up if I sleep in."

"Hey no it's fine. You probably weren't expecting me. Were you?"

"Well I guess not."

"I'll let you get ready for the day. Do you want me to bring you anything?"

"Uhh if you wouldn't mind, could you go to th door across the hall and get Draco for me?"

"Of course. Bye Y/n."

"Bye Freddie."

You got up and had a quick shower. You put a towel around yourself and walked out the bathroom door. You were walking to your wardrobe when Draco came in.

"Hey Y/n. How are yo feeling?"

"I'm you know recovering."

"Good. Um why did weaselbee come to my room."

"Well he brang me back to my room last night and I asked him to stay with me. Before he left he asked if I wantted anything and I well..I wanted you."

"Ok then. Go get dressed and then we'll talk."

You walked into your closet. As you were getting dressed you remebered last night clearly. Seeing Cedric's lifeless body. Hearing Amos yelling 'That's my boy'. Lucius being at the graveyard. Voldemort returning and being suprisingly nice to me. Me clinging onto Cedric's body. Mad Eye Moody pulling Harry away. I hoped Harry was ok. I saw the cut on his arm and he duelled againest Voldemort. He faced his enemie.

"Ok I'm ready."

"Alright. Well Voldemort is back."

"Yes, he was there and he was actually kind of nice to me."

"He was nice to you? Who else was there?"

"Uhh well...your  father....."

"Did he umm see you?"

"He did. He was nice to me. He let me hold onto Cedric when he should've been holding me back. And he didn't stop Harry and I from leaving."

"Wait..the Lucius Malfoy was nice to you and set you free?"


"That's... good. I thought he would..I don't know..hurt you."

"No. I told him you were ok."

"He uhh sent me a letter. Do you want to see?"

"Only if you're ok with me reading it."

"I really don't mind, at all. Here." He handed me a letter out of his pocket.

"Are you sure?"

"Yes! Just read it."

"Ok, ok, I'm reading it."

Dear Draco,

As you have probably heard, Lord Voldemort has returned. You have also most likely heard, I was present. So was Miss Y/n L/n. She is completly fine, you probaly also already know that too. Our Lord was being overly nice. I'm afraid he's up to something. We will most likely find out soon. But take care of her. Protect her. She can't stand alone. I know that you have a blossoming romance. But you can't go all 'Malfoy' on her. She needs you right now. And don't worry, we won't force her to do anything she doesn't want to, but I can't guarantee Lord Voldemort. Just remember, keep her safe.


Lucius Malfoy

"So I need protecting?"

"Yeah I guess so. They are skeptical of why Voldemort didn't try to harm you in anyway."

"Well..ok then. You know I should check on Harry."

"Ok. Go talk to Saint Pottah. But are you sure you're ok. I mean with Cedric you know."

"I think I will be. i just need time."

"Well just know that you can take as long as you want to recover."

"Thank You Draco."

I was so glad to have Draco in my life. He always cared so much. And was 'Always There' (Hehe) I loved him so much but sometimes I wish we could bbe more than friends. When I read what Lucius wrote about Draco and I, it made me blush...hard. I wish it was more than a blossoming romance. I just don't know if he feels the same.

I walked up the stairs to the great hall. I saw Harry sitting with Sophia. He looked up and saw me. He jumped up. Sophia looked confused. She saw me and I think she felt a hint of jealousy. He ran towards me and gave me a tight hug.

"Are you ok Y/n."

"Am I ok. Are you ok? Your the one who's actual enemy just came back."

"I'm uhh fine. I guess. You know just someone wanting to kill me, that's all. How are you coping with Cedric passing?"

"I'm dealing with it. Just taking some time to think things over."

"Good. Well you can take all the time you need."

"Of course. I know that."

"Well I'm glad your ok. Sophia is worried about you."


"I know that you are fighting becuase of me. I'm sorry. I want you two to be friends again. It was all my fault."

"No! It isn't your fault."

"Yeah it is. But I think she could've acted different. I mean so could you but now surely that you came face to face with Lord Voldemort she should apologise."

"It doesn't matter anymore."

"Hey, why was Voldemort so...nice to you. And Lucius Malfoy too."

"Apparently Voldemort has some...well plans. And Lucius was trying to protect me. He's actually really nice if you say the right stuff."

"So you two know each other then."

"We have had conversations. I'm on his good side."

"Right. Well I was just wondering."

"It's fine. Let me know if you need anything Harry."

"Thank You Y/n. And you let me know if you need anything. Or if you find out anything."

"I will. Bye Harry."

"Bye Y/n."

You walked away. Should you forgive Sophia? She hurt me....but I hurt her too. 

I really was sorry. I just had to much going on. How was I supposed to apologise after so long? I really missed her. She was my best friend. But sh elooks happy with harry and I have Daphne, Pansy, Blaise and Draco. We were all really close. But I still missed Sophia.


Yo What's up, ew why did I say that? Anyway thanks for reading and hoped you enjoyed!

I do accept suggestions if you have any ideas.

Bye Diggories

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 19, 2021 ⏰

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