That's really how you do it? (Gilly P.O.V)

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⊱ ────── {.⋅ 𝔼𝕕𝕚𝕥𝕖𝕕 ⋅.} ────── ⊰

It was a week before my birthday, and I was strolling through the village. 

I really wasn't supposed to be here, but I was sure that Alfonso wouldn't mind. 


He was definitely going to be fuming mad actually. 

Managers these days. 

Boys swooned over me as I walked past. Every single woman, including my mother, was calling me the most beautiful girl in the village. 

When they asked what makeup supplies I used, I had no answer. I would just say, "I swear, I don't even use makeup!"

It was a true fact. 

My singing career had grown over the years and I was becoming one of the most famous pop stars in the world. 

That's when my freedom became a smaller door. 

I wasn't allowed to go inside and the only place I was allowed to visit was my own parents! I wasn't allowed on my phone for most of the day, since I was always practicing and rehearsing and doing stuff. 

I probably haven't even talked to any of my friends in, what, 2 years? 

OK, moving onto present life. 

As a 26-year-old, one thing was bound to come every single day. A proposal, my hand in marriage, or whatever you called it. 

I had received 50 over the last 2 days! 

We all knew it was just for the money and the looks. I hadn't even realized that the people were even living in the village. 

A person came and shoved me to the side a little, but I simply brushed it off. 

Then another person bumped into me and this time I fell to the ground. 


Everyone in the crowd gasped to even see me being knocked down. 

You know, I'm popular, no one would dare, you get the gist of it. 

Just then, a bright light came out of nowhere, and a muscular man held out his hand. 

What really happened:

One of the lights that you use for recording videos shone on the man and he was really, really, sweaty. Flies were surrounding him. (Ha! That's funny... and gross) and he swatted them away. 

Wow, is that really how you do it? 

He shot me a shiny smile and my face faltered. He seemed really familiar.

"Mooooooooo." Was that a cow? 

I looked behind him. It was definitely a cow. It had a red collar around its neck. 


"Wait, Jack, as in, Jack and the Beanstalk Jack?" I laughed.

"Yup, that's me," he said, posing heroically. I wanted to laugh but then that would be just rude. 

"OK... it was nice seeing you bye." I stood back up and started my way around him, but he grabbed my wrist and turned me to face him. 

"Can I.... come to your house this afternoon?" he asked me quietly.

"Sure! Buut I most likely won't be there." I took off at the speed of light. 

Alfonso had tracked me down though and was standing there like he was expecting something from me. 

Alfonso was my manager, same age, but just a little taller. He was really nice when you didn't make him angry. 

"We better hurry up if you don't want to get crushed by paparazzi," he said calmly, opening the door to the car. 

"Of course sir, I definitely don't want that," I said sarcastically. We drove to my parent's house, where dinner was ready and smelling delicious.

"Dig in!" my dad exclaimed. We took up our forks and enjoyed the feast.


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