1: Breathe

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Okay, first things first...
This book is dedicated to 3 of my BEST friends, who have supported my fanfics literally since the beginning, this book is dedicated to Amy, Lucy + Abby
I love you all so much!!

Anyways, this is a sequel to "You're not alone" so I'd recommend reading that one first 😂 but I hope you like this book! Xx


"Edmund! Ed, for heavens sake wake up!!! Edmund breathe! I mean it Ed! Wake up and breathe!"

Edmund's eyes snapped open, to find Peter sat on the bed beside him, rubbing hastily at his chest and practically shouting at him, nothing but worry in his bright blue eyes.

Edmund stared at him for a split second, trying to make sense of what his brother was saying, when it all of a sudden hit him... he wasn't breathing.

He felt faint by this point, and quickly took as deep a breath as he could, relaxing considerably as he did.

He found himself gasping a few seconds later, choking on air as Peter carefully helped him to sit up, his older brother clearly relieved that he'd started breathing again.

"Oh thank Aslan." Peter choked, still rubbing his brothers chest, his other hand placed firmly on his shoulder. "That's it, just breathe."

It took a while, but soon Edmund's breathing returned to normal and he leant against his brother, swallowing hard and clearly rather shaken over what had just happened.

"You do know how to give me a good scare." Peter sighed, wrapping his arms around his brothers waist and pulling him close, dropping a kiss to the top of his head.

"What - What happened?" Edmund choked out, only now realising that it was dark, and still must be the middle of the night.

Peter sighed. "You just stopped breathing." He replied, his voice tight. "Completely stopped. I'm only glad I was awake, because I dread to think what would've happened if I wasn't."

"Why were you awake?" Edmund asked, although he was pretty sure he knew the answer already.

Peter took a deep breath. "I had a bad dream." He mumbled. "I had to make sure if you were still alive."

"I'm fine Peter." Edmund murmered, grabbing his brothers hand a giving it a quick squeeze.

Peter shook his head. "You're not though." He said. "This has happened three times since Aslan brought you back three weeks ago. More since you ate the apple, and it's really scaring me."

Edmund sighed sadly. "I guess I'm still recovering from the poison." He said with a shrug. "But I promise I'll be alright soon."

Peter was silent for a while, before eventually speaking. "I don't care, you're seeing a doct- er, healer tomorrow." He said somewhat firmly.

"Pete I don't need to-"

"Don't argue with me on this." Peter cut him off. "I just want them to check you over, that's all."

Edmund glanced up at him, sighing and the determination in Peter's eyes. "Fine." He grumbled. "I'll go and see the healer."

Peter gave him a grateful smile followed by a nod. "Thank you." He murmered.

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