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            Running through the same field as I always have. This same dream I have had every year on my birthday. The difference this time, though, is that I knew I was dreaming, but it still felt as if it were actually happening. The sun was peaking over the mountain in front of me as I ran, laughing, with not a care in the world.

Looking back, he was chasing me, but I knew if he wanted to, he could catch me. Just before I reached the end of the field, I heard him say my name "Katerina", he said as he wrapped his arms around me, and they rolled laughing together. "Why would you do that?" 

He was very handsome and tall, about 6'3, his skin was tanned by the sun and dark black shoulder length hair. He had very broad shoulders, lean and muscled arms, the arms of a fighter, but for her they were the arms of a lover. His accent was apparent and just as attractive as he was. He had to be Italian, or something similar.

Walking inside I saw it had straw at the top for the ceiling. It was obvious it was a house from a different time.

A moment later, a crowd of people had gathered outside of her door. All I heard was screaming and yelling "Witch, come on out or we will burn you inside the house!" Walking out the townspeople grabbed me, and I saw two other young women being restrained and taken to the town square. Three poles awaited them ahead. As the other two women and I were tied to the poles I looked out into the crowd searching for him, but I couldn't find him.

A man I seemed to know, and yet, didn't understand how, started talking to the townspeople. "Behold, the Duncan witch and her followers." She looked to her left there was a younger girl than me, maybe a year or two younger. She had fair skin, long flowing brown hair with an old-time townspeople dress that touched her ankles. She was crying incoherently, looking up to the sky as if to ask for help. Looking to the right I saw a woman older than I was. Her skin was tanned by the sun and her hair was wavy and as blonde as my own. She was looking right at me as if to tell me something.

"The Duncan witch, along with her followers, will die tonight as the moon rises to its highest point and we will be rid of them and their evil forever." The townspeople started chanting "Burn the witch, burn the devil". Looking up to the sky I saw the moon almost risen to the middle of the sky, a feeling came over me that I couldn't explain it was a rush of power and anxiety.

Anger swept through me as I looked towards the crowd. I noticed a coffin sitting just behind the crowd. Somehow, I knew what lay inside as they opened it. I felt a single tear stream down my face as I saw him, motionless. He was dead. "NOOOOO! ALESSANDRO! How could you!? All of you will die this night for the evil you have committed!"

Even as I spoke, I didn't recognize my own voice, it was as if the power I had felt moments earlier was speaking for me. A light came down from the moon and surrounded me. The wind picked up and clouds came full circle surrounding the town square.

Looking up to the sky I seemed to be moving closer to the moon, but as I looked down, I could see I was in the air, yet, still tied to the pole. I wasn't too high off the ground, but I knew it was the power inside me that allowed me to lift myself and the pole from the ground. Even though I did not quite understand how, I only knew I wanted to make them all pay for what they did.

Inside I could feel the anger taking root and I knew, somehow, the darkness had taken over, darkness that I had somehow already known. Suddenly I started speaking a language I didn't even know that I knew and, yet, knew exactly what I was saying. It was a curse, and an evil one at that.

As the townspeople started to run, screaming, "The witch is going to kill us all!" The man that I had seemed to know, ran to me instead of away. He had a torch and threw it at me saying, "You choose him, so you choose death." Just as he threw it, I did something and wasn't quite sure how. The man that threw the torch dropped to his knees as I dropped to the ground laying completely still.

I saw him drop lifelessly to the ground and as the fire started to engulf me, surrounded by the fire, anger and the feeling of depression and hopelessness swept through me. I felt as though I had no more fight left inside. I could have gotten free; I could have walked away and exacted my revenge for them killing the love of my life. I had only enough energy to say aloud, "I will find you again."

Shooting up from my sleep I looked over to my alarm clock, I saw my window. "What is going on?" Looking to my right, I realized, "Oh my god!" I was Floating! As I yelled out in panic I dropped to my bed. How was this possible? Could I have power like in my dream? What did it all mean? As I fell back to my pillow, I looked to the ceiling filled with confusion and amazement. Did that really just happen, I wondered.

As I looked to my alarm clock it was midnight. Just like every birthday since before I couldremember at midnight exactly, I have the same dream. I never had finished thedream until tonight. Normally, I gets to the part where I see the coffin and havenever gotten to see what or who was in it. This night, this birthday, feltdifferent. I have most definitely never floated before.

Laying there, I felt sotired as if I were being drained of energy. Just as I was about to go to sleep,I could have sworn I heard a man's voice "Katerina". There was no doubt aboutit, it was the man from my dream. The accent was too similar to not be. Playingit off as if it were nothing and shutting my eyes, I let the sleep, I seemed tosuddenly long for, engulf me.

A Reincarnated Curse: The BeginningWhere stories live. Discover now