Chapter 1

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Change: it has to happen whether we like it or not, it can catch us by surprise even if we know it's coming. It can happen either quickly or a gradual pace. Just like the seasons change even people can as time moves forward. We may not like what happens but it's going to happen whether we want it to or not. But sometimes we can't even see it happen, even if all the signs are there and it's right under your nose. (f/n)'s life was going to change in so many ways she didn't expect, the only thing was she never saw it coming.


Waking up before her alarm (f/n) lay in bed thinking about school and how she would be starting her third year at Karasuno. Knowing that things this year were going to change and was excited for what was coming. Laying in her comfy bed the crisp morning breeze could be felt through her slightly ajar window. Sitting up she decided to make a move before the alarm went off, stretching her joints popping them into place. Her short pixie cut (h/c) hair was completely disheveled and sticking up all over the place. She sighed knowing it either had to be styled messily today or wash it and start again ... messy it was. Sliding out of bed deciding to slowly get ready for school.

Walking into the kitchen she looked at the old clock on the wall, still having thirty minutes before having to leave. Grabbing the burnt toast and current book she sat at the table and read. Before long her younger brother rushed past her grabbing something to eat while still trying to pull on his uniform.

Looking up at the time and realizing it was time to leave (f/n) made her way to the door where her younger brother was trying to pull himself together. Pulling her school shoes on she left the house without looking back.

Walking quietly down the street to school, (f/n)'s thoughts were interrupted by the sound feet pounding on the pavement, her brother was running down the street to catch up. Sighing and looking over her shoulder noticing Yuu running to catch up. Even after a brief run he was still bursting with energy.

Both continue walking the rest of the way to school chatting about nothing in particular.

Waving goodbye to her brother as he rushed off to find his mates. Calling out over his shoulder "remember i don't have practice."

Giving her brother a warm smile (f/n) remembered that afternoon. The afternoon Yuu was suspended from school and after school activities.


Class was over for the day and (f/n) was more than relieved for it to be over for the day and be able to leave the stuffy classroom behind. Heading down the stairs with Sugawara and Daichi heading towards club activities, the boys to the volleyball club and (f/n)off to art club.

She was suddenly stopped by her younger brother. His normal confident personality gone and replaced with a helpless child. His eyes screaming pain and anger the closer she looked.

Quickly pulling him into a hug, "what happened?" he voice laced with concern.

Quickly pushing her away as the surprise wore off from her actions. Daichi and Sugawara were watching the scene play out before them trying to work out what had happened.

eyeing off her brother as he looked away rubbing his arm, "I got banned from school activities for a month and suspended from school for a week."

A look of confusion coming over the three third years. Daichi was the first to compose himself, "so a month without volleyball and a week of no school. what did you do?!"

Still looking away ashamed, "i saw Asahi, he told me he doesn't want to come back to volleyball. He said he doesn't like playing anymore, but he's lying I know it. It's only because he kept getting blocked in our last game. He has to come back he's the ace!" Yuu was getting louder and more emotional with each sentence.

Things Change (Sugawara x Reader x ??)Where stories live. Discover now