Chapter 8

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Heading back to class after arriving at the gym and realizing her bag and camera had been left behind. Upon returning (f/n)'s eyes landed on something she wasn't prepared to see, it was her boyfriend and Daichi in the middle of a make-out session.

(f/n)'s emerald orbs turned the size of saucers realizing what was happening in front of her. Standing there for what seemed like ages but was no more than a minute before her mind finally caught up to what she had walked in on. (f/n) watched as they sprung apart like they had just been sapped by a live wire. The two boys looked between each other then to the female, their faces reflected just how ashamed, guilty and stupid they were in the moment.

(f/n) opened and closed her mouth a few times trying to get words to come out. The only thing that managed to make its way out was, "why?"

The grey haired setter looked away from the girl he once truly loved, "I'm sorry (f/n)." Looking over at Daichi, "I don't know how to explain this to you."

(f/n) could feel tears welling while clenching her fists, "just try!"

The grey-haired male tried to work through his thoughts but he couldn't explain. How could he when he barely knew himself? Chocking out his answer, "I-I c-can't."

Tears had slowly started to roll down her cheeks, not wanting to look over at Daichi for fear of what she would do. "okay then," with that she turned abruptly and walked out of the room.

Standing there Sugawara could only watch as (f/n) left the room in tears, feeling Daichi's hand on his shoulder. He wanted to go after her but knew it was only going to make things worse. He stood there with Daichi for a while knowing they needed to get to practice. slowly they made their way out of the room noticing (f/n) had left her bag behind. Daichi grabbed her bag knowing that Noya would be able to take it home with him.

Heading down the hallways Sugawara thought over the last week and how he had changed so much that he could end up getting caught with someone else.

Flash Back

1 week ago

Sugawara walked off the bus as they arrived back at school his thoughts were completely scattered. He had just spent the whole bus trip sitting next to Daichi. the whole way back he just wanted to hold his hand and cuddle up to him but instead, they spent the whole time talking about the practice match against Nekoma.

He headed home to be alone with his thoughts. Well, that's all he wanted to do after all these confusing thoughts and feelings were plaguing his mind. By the time he finally got to his room he collapsed on the bed rolling over not even bothering to change.

Heading to school the next day making sure to act normal around everyone not to draw attention to himself but he wasn't sure it was working. He could sense (f/n) knew something was wrong but just brushed it off.

The further the week progressed the more Sugawara realized these feelings weren't going away. He was even struggling to get changed in the club room with the guys around in fear they would know what he was thinking about. He needed to speak with (f/n) about all this, he knew it was going to be hard and wouldn't end pretty but it was going to need to happen sooner rather than later.

By Thursday Daichi could see Sugawara was a complete mess, he was hiding it extremely well behind his charming smile but it was there clear as day. Trying to get Sugawara alone to see how he was doing only seemed to be making things worse so the captain decided to wait till Friday to approach him.

Thursday practice was interrupted by (f/n) asking about taking photos for an art club project. She explained everything to the coach and adviser, winning them over with her enthusiasm. They had agreed she would be taking photos every couple of days to make sure she could keep up with the speed of the game. She would be starting Friday afternoon. This news had put the third year setter on edge knowing she would be able to see straight through him and work out what was happening in his head.

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