Chapter 26

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Nervously walking into the medical centre (F/n) took in the small waiting room before spotting the reception desk. She made her way forward till she was standing in front of the oversized desk. The receptionist lifted her head with a gentle smile and asked her if she had an appointment.

Swallowing back the saliva building in her, she stuttered, "I-I h-have an appointment under Nishinoya."

The middle-aged lady cast her eyes down to the appointment book confirming she had one, "that's not a problem. Though this is your first time here, so I'm going to need you to fill in a form."

The emerald-eyed teen took the clipboard from the receptionist, quickly filling in her details before handing it back. After it was checked over, she was advised that the doctor would be out shortly and to have a seat in the waiting room.

Taking a seat against the far wall, she couldn't help but take notice of the few people waiting to see doctors. Her emerald orbs then landed on a heavily pregnant lady holding her baby bump.

She couldn't help but stare longingly. The thought of holding her own bump bubbled up emotions the teen wasn't even aware of. Shaking her head, trying to rid those thoughts from her mind, already knowing she didn't want to be a teen mum. Though her body had other plans as her hands moved instinctively to rest on her non-existent bump, the sensation sending tingles through her heart.

"Miss Nishinoya," an aging middle-aged man stepped out to the reception area calling out his next patient.

She jumped at the sound of her name being called out. She took a breath before standing up and making her way towards the doctor.

Noticing the nervous teen approaching, he just nodded his head, "please follow me."

Wringing her hands together nervously as she trailed along behind the doctor until he stopped and held a door open. Thanking him, she stepped into the room and took a seat across from his desk while he got himself settled in his chair.

The aging doctor clasped his hands together, resting them on his desk and with a neutral expression asked, "what can I help you with today, Miss Nishinoya?"

Rubbing her sweaty hands against her jeans, not knowing what else to say. She blurted out the truth, "I recently found out I'm pregnant."

"Okay," making sure to keep the surprise from his face, he clicked his pen. "How far along do you think you are?"

Clenching her teeth as she thought back to the party, "fourteenth of May is when it would have happened."

Curious eyes lifted to study the teen, "and you weren't sexually active before or after that date?"

Her emerald orbs dropped to her lap, shaking her head, "it was the only time I've done anything."

His eyes widened in surprise, "that doesn't happen very often. Some people who have been trying for years would call you blessed or lucky." Clearing his throat before continuing on, "and you didn't use any form of protection?"

Trying to push back the pressure of tears building up, she quietly replied, "no."

He studied the teen for a moment before asking another question to establish how her situation came to be, "do you know who the father is?"

Without taking her eyes off her lap, she shook her head, "no." Not wanting to explain the whole incident, she kept the answer simple, "I can't remember who it was."

A sigh escaped the doctor's mouth, "oh well, everybody makes mistakes." Taking a moment to let his words sink in before moving onto, "you're around eight weeks along, so you have options since you aren't that far along."

The high schooler sat quietly and listened to the doctor go through all the options she had available. All she could do was nod along. He stopped every few minutes to make sure she was still following along. The teen accepted a handful of pamphlets he passed to her without even looking at them. Her mind was already leaning in one direction, but she couldn't bring herself to say it out loud.

The aging man rubbed the side of his jaw, noticing how shell shocked the teen in front of him was. "Listen, you are a third-year in high school, who I'm betting wasn't planning on getting pregnant the first time having sex." Running his hand over his tie as his mouth pressed into a hard line, "you have your whole life ahead of you. You don't have to let this bump in the road define the rest of your life." Leaning forward in his chair, wanting her to understand, "I understand there is a lot of stigmatism around terminating a pregnancy. It's a hard decision to make. It's up to you in the end, though, and no one has to know about it."

(F/n) could only stare at the doctor. He wasn't pressing her to keep the baby. He wanted to make a choice that was right for her. The tears began to fall without her even realising. It felt like a weight had been taken off her shoulders; she had choices.

The doctor pushed the tissue box forward, "this may all be overwhelming at the moment. Take a few days, even a week or two, to make up your mind on what you want to do, then come back, and we'll go from there."

The teen sniffled as she whipped the tears, "okay."

Nodding his head before asking, "is there was anything else I can help with."

She shook her head as she finished mopping up her face, "no, thank you."

He offered her a soft smile, "I hope you have a good day then."

Nodding her head at the doctor as she stood up and headed out of the room. Stuffing the pamphlets in her bag, she kept her head down as she made her way towards the exit.


The short female froze on the spot recognising the bubbly voice instantly. Her emerald orbs lifted to the Oikawa, staring at her in confusion. Pushing down the desire to run past him, she whispered out the only thing that would come to mind, "hey."

The third-year setter took a step forward while his eyes took note of her red puffy eyes and blotchy skin. It seemed she had received some upsetting news. Before he had a chance to ask if she was alright, she'd cut him off.

"What are you doing here?" she asked, not wanting him to know why she was there.

He pursed his lips, realising what the female in front of him was trying to do, "I'm just getting my knee checked." Pausing for a moment, "what about you? You're a bit far from home."

Shrugging her shoulders at the remark, "I guess."

The volleyball player shifted his weight to his other leg; he needed to get to his appointment but didn't want to leave (F/n). "Iwa-chan is waiting outside for me. Why don't you wait with him? After I'm done, we can hang out for a bit."

Slumping her shoulders, knowing she couldn't get out of it, "fine." She stepped past Oikawa and made her way towards the front door. Her eyes then landed on the spiky-haired male on his phone as he waited for Oikawa to finish his appointment. She pressed her tongue into the back of her teeth as she made her way over to the male.

The sound of feet shuffling caught the Iwaizumi's attention, lifting his eyes catching sight of the approaching female. He lifted a brow in confusion, "(F/n), is everything okay?"

Ignoring the question, "I ran into Oikawa. He said to wait with you so we can hang out for a bit."

Pursing his lips together in confusion before he quickly worked out why the Karasuno third year wouldn't be at a doctor closer to home. Nodding his head in understanding, they just waited for the chocolate haired setter in silence. 

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