Chapter 15

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Uncertainty is the worst of all evils and the lens of fear magnifies it. Uncertainty can lead a person to regret one's mistakes and choices made.

This was the position (f/n) was in, she knew things were slipping and about to collapse but she acted as if everything was still firmly in place. Cracks were slowly starting to form as she was constantly losing focus during school which ended up with the teen being constantly in trouble and her photography had taken a disappointing turn. The teen had been trying to blame her period being late from all the stress she was under and kept herself in denial about it being from any other reason. Her relationship with Yuu was still on rocky grounds combined with the emotional strain of putting up a pleasant front around the volleyball team had the teen in a state.


The first Friday in June meant the Miyagi's Interhigh Preliminaries were starting the next day. The start of the competition had everyone on edge as they finished training for the day while Shimizu planned something special for the team.

The quiet third-year approached the only other female in the gym who was packing her stuff away, "excuse me (f/n) can you keep your camera out for a few more minutes.

Giving the tall female a quizzical look, "not a problem. Do you have something planned?"

Running a hand through her soft locks while casting her eyes away, "I have something to present to the team."

Giving her a small smile and a nod before quickly setting her camera back up waiting to capture the moment. The team gathered around when Takeda-sensei announced Shimizu wanted to present something to the team. Getting her camera ready as the manager climbed the ladder up to the viewing platform where Shimizu gave (f/n) a quick nod. Bringing the camera to her face snapping a few photos of the banner as it was unveiled before turning to the team. Capturing the moment as it unfolded. The third years had tears shooting out of their eyes while the two noisy second years were in complete silence from awe. The first years were a bit lost not understanding the weight of the situation.

Listening to the manager's speech before looking down at her camera to go through the photos she had just taken. Her mouth curved into a soft smile as a sense of pride filled her chest for capturing such a moment.

"I haven't seen you smile like that in a while," the presence beside her spoke softly.

Her brow snapped together as her gaze landed on Asahi. Flicking her eyes away from the gentle giant, "i didn't realize I was."

Rubbing the back of his neck and pointing to her camera, "you must have captured some good photos to be looking at your camera like that."

"I'm just glad I could capture a rare moment," running a hand through her short hair as her eyes moved around the gym.

Beaming at (f/n), "thank you for capturing it."

"Always happy to capture moments like these," packing her camera away before throwing the bag over her shoulder.

The brunette noticed her smile falter as her eyes glossed over, following her line-of-sight he spotted Sugawara and Daichi standing close together talking. Quickly trying to pull her attention back to him by blurting out, "so are you all prepared for tomorrow?"

Blinking quickly ridding her eyes of unshed tears and clearing her throat, "i guess so." Adjusting her bag while she followed the tall third year through the school, "I have to clear a few memory cards and charge my camera."

Breathing out in relief that she wasn't going to cry, "you're going to get some good shots tomorrow."

Letting out a light chuckle, "that's what I'm planning for."

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