Chapter 3

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Saturday was undeniably the best day of the week, the day where (f/n) could relax, not worry about getting up for school or going to bed late. To say (f/n) loved Saturday, the day of freedom would be an understatement.

Waking up Saturday morning (f/n) decided to bum around a bit instead of following her usual routine. She had nothing to do apart from homework which could wait until Sunday afternoon. Looking across to her art club project she decided to make some headway on it, pulling out her laptop looking online to help with concepts and hopefully make some progress.

Smiling proudly at herself when a concept and an idea of what to make had finally took its shape. Her idea was simple: knowledge is key. The media which she would be sculpture, which would be done out of some form of reusable products. Looking down at her phone checking the time only to realise it was two in the afternoon. Deciding that all this hard work deserved a reward (f/n) sent a quick message to Koushi.

(F/n): i finally worked out my concept idea for art club!! What are you up to this arvo?

Standing up from the spot stretching her joints listening to them pop in a satisfying way. Heading to the bathroom for a much-needed shower before getting dressed. Checking her phone noticing Koushi had replied.

Koushi: that's great to hear! I finished volleyball practice and am headed to my grandparent's place.

Sighing in disappointment at the message (F/n) was hoping to spend some quality time together. Sending him a quick reply.

(F/n): T-T that's okay, have fun at your grandparents. We can talk about volleyball game on Monday.

This wasn't going to be a problem she would ask, Airia, who was always up for some fun. Clicking on her contact she sent her bestie a text.

(F/n): Hey girl, want to hang tonight, I finally came up with my art concept and want to celebrate!!

Waiting for Airia to reply she headed out to the kitchen in search of food. Coming back and checking the phone seeing Airia had quickly replied, smiling as she opened the message.

Airia: that's awesome to hear! Yes, let's celebrate.

Airia: I was headed to a party in Tokyo leaving in 20min to pick you up

(F/n): no worries see you soon

Checking her face quickly in the mirror before putting on some makeup and finished getting ready. Walking past Yuu's room knocking before popping her head in and seeing him and Tanka playing some game. "just letting you I'm going out with Airia to Tokyo tonight don't know when I'll be home. So let mum know for me please."

Both of them look up at with puzzled expressions, "why are you going to Tokyo with Airia?" Yuu questions.

"I wanted to celebrate finally coming up with my art club concept and Suga was busy so I asked Airia. She was heading to the city so I'm going with her to a small party." Smiling at her brother hoping he would drop the subject.

Thankfully he did, "okay I'll tell mum when she gets home. Just be safe okay," he spoke with concern after hearing how Airia liked to party sometimes.

"well have a good night you two," walking away to the front door were Airia had just pulled up. Making her way to the car only to notice how dolled up Airia was giving her a cheeky smirk knowing what she would be up to tonight.

Getting in the car and strapping herself in they left for Tokyo.

The party turned out to be a pretty low key event, everyone was sitting around enjoying a few drinks. (f/n) had even met a few interesting people from schools they compete against, mainly in volleyball. The captain and ace from Aoba Josai, an overly friendly Oikawa and a much quieter Iwaizumi. (f/n) spent some time with them while Airia scouted out most of the guys at the party. They were talking about the volleyball season ahead when Airia dragged her away to meet someone new.

Being pulled over the meet the captain of the Nekoma team Kuroo Tetsuro, with his amber eyes, black bed hair and devious smirk. Her role as wing-man was pretty irrelevant seeing he wasn't interested in Airia but kept talking to be polite. Although (f/n) was enjoying the conversation catching on that he was waiting for a couple of his friends to arrive.

When Airia had finally finished harassing him she decided to grab a drink and chill outside leaving her friend to annoy other guests. Finding a chair that was slightly away from all the people making their way outside, enjoying her drink in peace.

After a couple of hours had passed the party had started to pick up. The moment the captain from Fukurodani showed up the party was taken to another level. Bokuto was an interesting character, the energy radiating off him was amazing, it had (f/n) wishing she could bottle it up. His bi-hair and owl-like eyes caught her attention until he started talking about nothing apart from Kuroo causing her to lose interest.

Taking a quick look around at all the people at the party noticing that Airia and herself were the only ones from their school present. Wondering where her friend had gotten too, sighing out making her way inside to see if she could locate her.

Giving up after spending a good part of an hour hunting around guessing she was probably in a bedroom or something with someone. Rubbing her temples she was over the party and just wanted to go home. grabbing a cab home knowing she would spend a small fortune, shrugging off the thought. Getting in the cab when it arrived she was glad to leave the party and head home to enjoy her own bed.

Quickly texting Airia letting her know she was over the party and heading home, knowing Airia would be okay and get home like always.

Finally arriving home it was close to five in the morning and wanting nothing more than to fall into her bed. Trying to be as quiet as possible sneaking to her room to not wake anyone. Quickly sending both Koushi and Airia a message letting them know she was home. Striping off her clothes once she was in her room before crawling into bed closing her eyes and welcoming sleep.

Though her slumber was short-lived.

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