Chapter 10

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The rest of the weekend (f/n) and Airia spent in the heartbroken teen's room, spending their time eating junk food like ice cream and cookie dough while watching sappy movies. Airia wanted (f/n) to loosen up and move forward, have a few drinks but she knew she wasn't up to that yet and was thinking of an adventure next weekend.


When Monday finally rolled around the heartbroken teen had found some confidence, she felt as if she could tackle school with both boys were in her class. She would try and ignore them even though deep down she would crumble. She would conquer the day and get past everything that happened then move on with her life.

Heading to school with Yuu tagging along behind her as the school came into sight she breathed a deep breath, exhaled and just got on with the day.

She arrived in class just before the bell rang out, she didn't even look their way. (f/n) worked on not talking to anyone just concentrating on her studies.

When lunch arrived she stood up and headed towards the roof avoiding her favourite bench. She just enjoyed the quietness of the roof as not many students knew they could even get up there, it was a well-kept secret amongst the third years. Airia met up with her for lunch keeping her company knowing she really didn't want to be alone. lunch was almost over when they were making their way to back to class when Sugawara stopped them in the corridor.

"Hey (f/n)," with a sad smile, "i just wanted to see how you were doing?"

Staring at Sugawara with an empty expression, "I'm fine you don't need to worry about me."

Sugawara had never seen such a blank look on (f/n), not that he could blame her, "okay I'm sorry for bothering you then."

(f/n) nodded and walked into class just as the bell rang. Taking a seat at her desk, she tried to calm herself down so no one would notice anything was wrong. From where she sat she could see 'them' chatting to each other, giving each small smiles. Just seeing them this way so close to her was nauseating turning away from them clicking her tongue continuing on with her worksheet.

The brunette was thankful that she didn't have to attend volleyball training that day, she would deal with that tomorrow. Heading home after school enjoying the walk to clear her head knowing things were only get to get easier... or so she hoped.

The week progressed in the same manner, classes ignoring the two males, lunches on the roof then more class where she ignored everyone. On the days she went to volleyball she just did what she had to, thanked everyone then left. By the end of the week everyone had worked out something had happened between her and Sugawara but no one was game enough to ask even the volleyball team. They wanted to ask Yuu but knew they would be stepping over a line they didn't want to cross.

(f/n) avoided Friday training by going to an art club meeting staying back to go over photos working out what needed adjusting. Knowing all about volleyball she was able to anticipate what was going to happen and her work reflected that. Her sensei was happy with the progress and reminded her to stay on topic with the concept. By the time the club was over she headed home to prepare for Saturday's training. Before the night ended she received a quick text from Airia.

Airia: Im takin u out 2morrow night! Ill b at urs to get u ready around 3pm!

(f/n): okay

She knew once Airia set her mind on something she couldn't get out of it. Plus it would be good for her to get out of the house and get away from everything for a night. Saturday now consisted of training and most likely an out of control party, if Airia wanted to doll her up. Sighing through her nose rolling onto her side to try and get some much-needed sleep.

Waking up to a soft knocking on her door, rolling out of bed heading for her door. Cracking it open she saw a bright-eyed Yuu who was ready to head to training, it took a second for it to click that she was supposed to be getting ready.

"Come one (f/n)! why aren't you ready yet," Yuu whined when he saw her.

Running a hand over her face she forgot to set her alarm, "i forgot to set my alarm. give me five to get ready."

Crossing his arms over his chest giving her a stern look, "five minutes or else I'm leaving without you."

"Okay I'll be quick!" turning around and heading back into to her room to get ready.

For once Yuu kept his word and left after five minutes of waiting, not wanting to be late to practice. (f/n) ended up chasing after him for a change, ending up in a full sprint with how far ahead he was. By the time she had caught up he had just walked through the school gates. Trying to catch her breath bending over with her hands on her knees Yuu gave her five.

"You left me!" huffing and puffing at how long it had been since she'd run such a distance.

Smiling at his sister, "I warned you." He started laughing while walking off to the gym.

(f/n) trailed behind puffing put her cheeks childishly, "you could have at least slowed down when you heard me calling out."

He just laughed as he walked into the gym, both of them were right on time for training this week. Setting up her camera while everyone was warming up she could feel a few stares probing into her back. Trying her best to ignore them while playing with the settings to see what kind of effects she could get this session.

When training was over she stood to the side flicking through the camera looking at images when Hinata happily came over followed by Kageyama.

"Say (f/n)-senpai what do you do with all the images you take?" His curiosity was bursting at its seams.

Looking at the two first years, "well at the moment I'm currently practicing for when you have competition but I still get some amazing shots." Scratching her cheek, "after I've gone through previous images I save them on a hard drive. I'm not sure what i'm going to do with them though. why do you ask?"

"Hmm, i was just wondering if the club could use them for stuff," he replied thoughtfully.

"Oh, i never thought of that." Looking away trying to end the conversation by throwing her backpack over her shoulder and started moving towards the door. (f/n) was aiming for a clean escape knowing a few people wanted to ask her questions. Making her way to the door, she was almost out in fresh air when she heard her name.

"(f/n), do you have a minute?" Diachi was slowly walking up to her carefully watching her expression.

Not wanting any unwanted attention, she kept calm but her voice had an edge, "yeah Daichi what's up?"

Sensing her discomfort he tried to make it quick, "i just wanted to apologize for everything. I know you probably don't want to hear this from me but i just needed to tell you."

Her calm facade was suddenly nowhere to be found, "sorry, your sorry doesn't even cover what happened. You were my friend and he was my boyfriend how do you think i felt after catching you both." Her voice trembling the angrier she got, "i can't even look at the two of you without wanting to break something."

The gym had become awfully quiet with all ears suddenly focused on what was happening. Yuu heard (f/n) from the other side of the gym and knew he had to step in. Quickly making his way to his sister grabbing her shoulder, "(f/n), come on just relax for a second."

Looking at her younger brother, "i am relaxed, I'm just voicing myself loudly!" Huffing and jerking her shoulder out of her brothers grip storming out of the gym heading home.

By the time she arrived home, her anger had fizzled down. She just wanted a shower and to forget about the scene she'd caused. Getting into the shower groaning as she remembered she was going out with Airia tonight.

By the time she was done, she could hear Yuu rummaging about downstairs. Drying herself off and working out what she wanted to wear knowing she needed to forget about today along with the whole situation.

Hearing the doorbell ring (f/n) headed down the stairs to see Airia standing there holding her full arsenal of makeup and hair tools. She was ready for a full makeover by the look of things.

Holding up her goodies and squealing, "let's get ready."

A/n: Hey readers, hope you enjoy this chapter!

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